10-16 -15

Real Estate Journal — New Jersey — October 16 - 29, 2015 — 9B


M id A tlantic

NNJ B uildings E ng . & F acility M aintenance S how By Bill Fabian, Monroe Infrared The value of infrared inspections


resolution and will not evalu- ate commercial/industrial systems effectively. Once you have found a good, reputable inspection company with properly trained personnel using appropriate equip- ment, you will begin to enjoy the tremendous cost savings Infrared affords. Monroe Infrared is head- quartered in Brunswick, Maine with locations in Flori- da, Michigan, and Texas. Bill Fabian is vice presi- dent of Monroe Infrared and can be reached at: billf@monroeinfrared.com. n

s commercially avail- able infrared cameras (thermal imagers) ap-

ultimately causing costly repairs later on, but these un- known leaks add significantly to heating and cooling costs. The earlier a leak is detected the less costly the repair. Should you buy a camera? Infrared Technology is a powerful and useful science. If you’re going to buy a cam- era, you will need appropri- ate thermography training, such as learning when out- side factors impact infrared scans, and if you will be using the infrared camera regularly, purchasing an infrared camera may be the

way to go. Prices have come down over the past several years. A mid-price range infrared camera with good resolution for commercial/ industrial applications now costs from $7,000 to $10,000, down from twice that just 10 years ago. Higher-end infrared cameras range from $11,000 to $20,000 or more. Training can add another $2,000 or more per person for offsite class. If you are going to use the camera just a few days month, an Infrared In- spection Service may be more cost-effective.

Should you contract the services? The Thermographer per- forming the inspection should have achieved at least a Level 1 Thermography Certifica- tion for Electrical Inspections and a Level 2 Certification for more complex inspections. Ask about the experience level of the person perform- ing the inspection and the history of the company doing infrared inspections. Ask what infrared camera they are going to use and why. Less expensive entry-level infrared cameras have low

proach their 50th Anni- versary, the techno l ogy c o n t i n u e s to be under- utilized. The most popular i nspe c t i on in buildings

Bill Fabian

and plants is the Electrical System Infrared Inspection. While many facility man- agers contract Electrical Infrared Inspection services, they do not utilize infrared for other applications which could save companies thou- sands, even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Here is a sampling of them: Electrical Inspections – The risk of electrical fail- ures and, more importantly, reducing the risk of electrical fires are the main reasons to have an Electrical System In- frared Inspection performed. Building Inspections - Infrared cameras play a vital role in making any building more energy efficient. Using the proper infrared camera, the entire building envelope can be inspected to identify areas of heat loss in North- ern locations or heat gain in Southern locations. Infrared inspections can maximize the performance of insulation products and the effective- ness of air sealing measures. HVAC Inspect ions - Boilers are often used with hot water and steam sent throughout the building. Improperly insulated pip- ing can literally cost tens of thousands of dollars a year in increased energy costs. Mechanical issues with air handlers can be identified and corrected. Non-visible leaks can be detected leading to increased efficiency and lower energy costs. Mechanical Inspections – Infrared easily determines when motors and bearings are abnormally hot due to deficiencies. This early iden- tification allows for targeted maintenance which is far less expensive than mechanical failures and unscheduled downtime. Moisture Inspections - Infrared cameras can iden- tify moisture in roofing sys- tems before the leaks are visible to the eye. This water not only leaks into the building,

Can You See the Future of Reliability and Increased Productivity? We at Monroe Infrared can help you see it!

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Monroe Infrared

 Price is only value  No IR use or Field experience  No tech support  No IR Certifications

 Infrared Field Professionals since 1984  Outstanding Service & Support BEFORE & AFTER  Level III Certified IR Sales Support & Service  Onsite IR Certification Training Classes

“Training drives success with IR. Every maintenance, QA/QC, engineering or facilities person should attend. It enhances confidence, improves safety, increases reliability and early issue detection. Payback is one accident averted or one serious equipment failure. We can help you get the most with IR” Christopher Casey, President Monroe Infrared Monroe Infrared 800-221-0163 www.monroeinfrared.com

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