10-16 -15

Real Estate Journal — New Jersey — October 16 - 29, 2015 — 17B


M id A tlantic

S outhern N ew J ersey

By Ed Hutchinson, Hutchinson Mechanical Services Commercial property winter HVAC maintenance tips

W ith the fall season in full swing, it’s the perfect time to

New Jersey’s Clean Energy that pays up to 70% of energy upgrades, including lighting

and technologies to help re- duce energy consumption and improve the bottom line. As

The turnkey program is created specifically for small to mid-sized commercial and industrial facilities with a monthly peak demand of 200 kW or less and up to, and including 25-ton rooftop HVAC units. Buildings must be located in New Jersey and be served by one of the state’s publicly regulated electric or natural gas utility companies. Businesses not only save up front but will cut costs for years to come through lower utility bills. Systems and equipment ad- dressed by Direct Install

include: lighting, HVAC, re- frigeration, motors, natural gas heating and variable fre- quency drives. To l e a r n mo r e a b o u t Hutchinson and its energy ser- vice offerings, contact Dicoor- dinator@hutchbiz.com or call 888-777-4501 to schedule an energy assessment. Hutchin- son’s technicians are factory trained, NATE certified and are on-call 24/7 365 days a year. Visit www.hutchbiz.com for more information. EdHutchinson is pres- ident of Hutchinson Mechanical Services. n

think ahead t o e n s u r e your HVAC s y s t e m s a r e r e a d y this winter. Whether your system needs an upgrade or a tune-up, Hutchinson Mechanical

“Hutchinson is a designated contractor of Direct Install, a pro- gram offered by New Jersey’s Clean Energy that pays up to 70% of energy upgrades, including lighting and HVAC equipment. In- stead of pumping money into your outdated, inefficient units, why not upgrade to a new, state-of the-art energy-efficient system?”

and HVAC equipment. In- stead of pumping money into your outdated, inefficient units, why not upgrade to a new, state-of the-art energy- efficient system? Hutchinson utilizes the latest strategies

a participating contractor for Direct Install - offered through the NJ Office of Clean Energy – Hutchinson provides a free energy assessment to identify eligible equipment upgrades, including lighting and HVAC.

Ed Hutchinson

Services, one of the region’s leading providers of HVAC ser- vices for commercial properties, offers system upgrades, tune- ups and more. Ed Hutchin- son, president, Hutchinson Mechanical Services, offers HVAC tips to help add life to your system, enhance comfort and improve your bottom line. 1. Use Energy Star Port- folio Manager to see how your building rates with other similar buildings . If you rate low, there are many things you can do to improve the operation of your building. 2. Check HVAC settings to get maximum efficiency . Set your thermostat at 68°dur- ing the day and at 60° at night. You can save approximately 3% on heating costs for every degree under 70. 3. Conduct dayt ime / nighttime audits . Are lights on? Is the building comfort- able? 4. Install a programmable thermostat. Web and cloud based control system offers peace of mind by keeping set- tings maintained during and after office hours. 5. Establish a preventive maintenance program. • Change or clean all air fil- ters, preferably every month. • Repair leaks in piping, air ducts, coils, fittings and at the unit(s). • Replace defective equip- ment insulation, ducting and piping. • Install/upgrade HVAC controls to include new energy management systems tech- nologies. 6. Clean Heating Ducts. Heating ducts should be cleaned periodically to allow efficient heating and provide fresh, clean air. Also check to make sure the ducts are prop- erly insulated. 7. Take Advantage of En- ergy Efficiency Incentive Programs. Hutchinson is a designated contractor of Direct Install, a program offered by

“The Direct Install savings was dramatic. Any business that isn’t taking advantage is missing a great opportunity.” Gene Muller Founder, Flying Fish Brewing Company 70% of the cost.

Upgrade to energy efficiency with Direct Install and New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program™ will pay

Your Total Energy Experts

888-777-4501 • hutchbiz.com

Direct Install is brought to you by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities.

George Hutchinson III, LMP. Plumbing License Number 6311.

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