Future goals Avantium publishes its sustainability plan ‘Chain Reaction 2030’ - a pioneering roadmap for a fossil-free chemical industry
Avantium N.V. | Amsterdam | Netherlands
Avantium N.V., a leading technology company in renewable chemistry, publishes its Sustainability Plan ‘Chain Reaction 2030’, highlighting the company’s ambitious vision to achieve a fossil-free chemical industry by 2050. In 2020, Avantium published its Sustainability Manifesto outlining a pathway for the company to take to tackle the global climate emergency. Chain Reaction 2030 is the evolution of this manifesto, a ten-year action plan the company can be measured against in this decade. Chain Reaction 2030 commits Avantium to a series of goals and targets where it has the greatest impact on social and environmental issues. This includes accelerating its own technologies and operations to support the circular economy and driving responsible and sustainable business practice across the industry. The plan also includes
the company’s actions to empower its own employees and to excite the next generation to accelerate the transition to a fossil-free world. By outlining future plans and next steps alongside a series of case studies, Chain Reaction 2030 demonstrates the actions Avantium will take to tackle climate change and transition to a circular, sustainable bio-based economy. The plan not only addresses internal resource management and operational commitments but highlights the beneficial environmental impact that adoption of its technologies will have in the world. In order to successfully implement Chain Reaction 2030, the company will collaborate with partners and customers who are change makers, share similar values and are guided by the same end goals. Avantium hopes this plan will galvanise many others into action and together establish a powerful coalition to reach the ambition
of a fossil-free chemical industry by 2050.
This plan has been developed in consultation with internal experts and a broad group of external stakeholders and industry bodies, including some prominent NGOs. Avantium will regularly report on its progress in meeting the outlined targets. In his foreword to the plan, Avantium CEO Tom van Aken states: “Chain Reaction 2030 represents a deepening of our commitment to achieving a fossil-free chemical industry. It gives us a sense of urgency and guides our business to ultimately help transform our industry as a solution to the climate emergency. I look forward to working with parties interested in helping us achieve the vision of Chain Reaction, transforming the chemical industry for a world sustained by renewable technologies.”
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