Case study for one year
Before OH Xblow
With OH Xblow
Processing of 100% of rPET, dusty material
96 cavity
Cycle time
12.0 seconds
Number of production days Number of cleaning stops Gained production time Cleaning time per stop Saved production time Additional preforms produced
The plant is up on 345 days
259 (345-86)
45 minutes to remove sticky and oily substances
11’655 minutes or 194 hours
5’594’400 preforms
Fig 3: Case study: Before / after installation of OH Xblow
Unchanged working routines
Controlling the compressed air
OH Xblow’s rapid ROI
OH Xblow’s on-the-fly cleaning does not disrupt production. The operators do not take notice of OH Xblow. They continue to produce highest quality preforms without extra training. OH Xblow works fully automatic and the cycle time remains unchanged. Automated cleaning with OH Xblow requires no interruption of production. No time is lost for automated cleaning and no material is wasted. Unchanged maintenance routines Because much less manual cleaning is required with OH Xblow, operation & maintenance staff can focus on issues other than cleaning. OH Xblow also does not require any maintenance. For this reason, also maintenance routines remain unchanged and no staff training for maintenance is required. Should the user however wish to play with the air pulse settings, then this can be easily done via touch screen of the controller.
OH Xblow requires compressed air to operate. Part of an upgrading package is the controller which is already known from OH Xport. The controller operates the compressed air valve. The compressed air pulses are triggered by the opening of the mould. The exact on/ off timing pattern of the air pulses are preset. The same settings work for a wide range of preforms. Where to use OH Xblow OH Xblow can be installed on all new preform moulds. Thanks to its reverse- compatibility, it can also be retrofitted to most existing injection moulding tools from Otto Hofstetter AG. Upgrading of an existing mould can be performed at the plant. The modifications required come down to replacing the sliding bars and neck splits against new parts, premanufactured by Otto Hofstetter AG. No machining of re- used parts is required. To add OH Xblow to an existing mould is a matter of few days, installation of the controller included.
The math is simple: The less you need to clean, the faster OH Xblow pays for itself. Rapid return on investment is assured with Xblow. OH Xblow can add (or regain) well more than a week of production time in a year, for every single system in the production plant. The specialistst from Otto Hofstetter AG developed their new added value product in close collaboration with customers. The team succeeded with substantially reducing a major cause of shutdowns. OH Xblow is the smart way to lengthen the time between cleaning shutdowns. PET preform production lines are kept up and running up to five times longer.
AUTHOR Markus Feldmann Head of Sales PET Deputy of Chief Sales & Marketing Officer COMPANY
OTTO HOFSTETTER www.otto-hofstetter.swiss
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