SMI S.p.A. Via Carlo Ceresa, 10 24015 S.Giovanni Bianco (BG) - Italy Tel.: +39 0345 40111 info@smigroup.it www.smigroup.it www.petnology.com/SMIGROUP 6.6 PALLETISERS & DEPALLETISERS Krones AG Böhmerwaldstraße 5 93073 Neutraubling - Germany Tel.: +49 9401 70-0 info@krones.com www.krones.com www.petnology.com/ KRONES Sidel Via la Spezia, 241/A 43126 Parma PR - Italy Tel.: + 39 0521 9991 piero.zamboni@sidel.com www.sidel.com www.petnology.com/ SIDEL Sipa S.p.A. Via Caduti del Lavoro, 3 31029 Vittorio Veneto (TV) - Italy tel. +39 0438 911511 info@sipa.it www.sipa.it www.petnology.com/ SIPA SMI S.p.A. Via Carlo Ceresa, 10 24015 S.Giovanni Bianco (BG) - Italy Tel.: +39 0345 40111 info@smigroup.it www.smigroup.it www.petnology.com/ SMIGROUP 6.7 SHRINK PACKERS Krones AG Böhmerwaldstraße 5 93073 Neutraubling - Germany Tel.: +49 9401 70-0 info@krones.com www.krones.com www.petnology.com/ KRONES Sidel Via la Spezia, 241/A 43126 Parma PR - Italy Tel.: + 39 0521 9991 piero.zamboni@sidel.com www.sidel.com www.petnology.com/ SIDEL Sipa S.p.A. Via Caduti del Lavoro, 3 31029 Vittorio Veneto (TV) - Italy tel. +39 0438 911511 info@sipa.it www.sipa.it www.petnology.com/ SIPA
6.4 FILLING SYSTEMS, FILLERS GEA Procomac SpA Via Fedolfi 29 43038 Sala Baganza (Parma) - Italy Tel.: +39 0521 839411 sales.procomac.it@gea.com www.procomac.it www.petnology.com/ GEA Krones AG Böhmerwaldstraße 5 93073 Neutraubling - Germany Tel.: +49 9401 70-0 info@krones.com www.krones.com www.petnology.com/ KRONES Sacmi Imola S.C. 40026 Imola - Italy Tel.: +39 0542-607111 sacmi@sacmi.it www.sacmi.it www.petnology.com/ SACMI Sidel Via la Spezia, 241/A 43126 Parma PR - Italy Tel.: + 39 0521 9991 piero.zamboni@sidel.com www.sidel.com www.petnology.com/ SIDEL Sipa S.p.A. Via Caduti del Lavoro, 3 31029 Vittorio Veneto (TV) - Italy tel. +39 0438 911511 info@sipa.it www.sipa.it www.petnology.com/ SIPA SMI S.p.A. Via Carlo Ceresa, 10 24015 S.Giovanni Bianco (BG) - Italy Tel.: +39 0345 40111 info@smigroup.it www.smigroup.it www.petnology.com/ SMIGROUP 6.5 LABELLING EQUIPMENT Krones AG Böhmerwaldstraße 5 93073 Neutraubling - Germany Tel.: +49 9401 70-0 info@krones.com www.krones.com www.petnology.com/ KRONES Sacmi Imola S.C. 40026 Imola - Italy Tel.: +39 0542-607111 sacmi@sacmi.it www.sacmi.it www.petnology.com/ SACMI
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