Mental Health Resources

list of recommended, licensed providers and receive support day and night from the convenience of your device (iOS, Android, and Web). How it works: You or a member of your household can begin to exchange unlimited messages (text, voice, and video) with a personal therapist immediately after registration. Therapists engage daily, five (5) days per week, which often includes weekends. Every Talkspace member is granted a complimentary, 10-minute video session to get to know their new therapist. Additional video sessions can also be scheduled. You will continue to work with the same therapist throughout your journey. However, you’re always welcome to switch providers so you can find the perfect fit. Talkspace’s clinical network features thousands of licensed, insured, and verified clinical professionals with specialties ranging from behavioral to emotional and wellness needs. To access counseling through Talkspace at no cost for your available EAP sessions per issue during the year, you'll need an EAP code. To obtain an EAP code, simply call 888-371-1125 (Employer ID: midamerica), go to your EAP coverage page on and start a live chat, or log into and follow the instructions below. 1. Click on the Find Care & Costs tab. 2. Click Learn More under Additional Resources. 3. Click Continue under Counseling.

4. Select what you’re seeking treatment for or click Skip . 5. Scroll down to Talkpsace and click Get an EAP Code .

Click here for additional information on Talkspace.

Behavioral Health Counseling MAA associates and their eligible dependents covered under one of our medical plans have the additional option to connect, either virtually or face-to-face with in-network behavioral health providers including licensed therapists, psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, and behavioral specialists using their Cigna benefits. • For those enrolled in the Cigna Choice Fund HRA plan, there is a $30 copay for in- network behavioral health services. • For those enrolled in the Cigna Choice Fund HSA plan, in-network behavioral health services are covered at 80% after the plan deductible has been met. To find an in-network behavioral health provider, call Cigna at 800-244-6224 or log in to and follow the instructions below:

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