2025 Product Catalog


IMPACTO products are manufactured with the highest quality materials, design and processes. We spend considerable time and effort in developing quality protective equipment that conforms with international safety standards. These standards can be recognized by the following icons:

UNIT OF MEASURE - Indicates how a product is sold; in pairs (PR), individually left (LH), right (RH) or ambidextrous (EA) or by case (C)

EN 388 - Gloves are in compliance with EN 388 - Protective Gloves Against Mechanical Risks. Numbers identify the performance level for abrasion, blade cut, tear, and puncture resistance respectively. ANSI / ISO 10819 - Gloves are in compliance with International Anti-Vibration Glove Standard EN ISO 10819 and North America ANSI S2.73-2002 (R 2007) / ISO 10819. PATENT NUMBERS - Indicates a product has an existing or pending US/CDN or International Patent for the technology it uses. EN 14404+A1:2010 - Knee pads are certified as per EN 14404:2004+A1:2010 for penetration resistance, force distribution, shock absorption and are approved for working in a kneeling position.


ANSI / ISO 10819

BAGGED ITEM - Indicates a product is sold in bags. The number indicates the quantity of products per bag.



CE COMPLIANCE - Product meets the strict European safety guidelines for Personal Protective Equipment.


STEEL TOE COMPLIANCE - Steel toe cap complies with ASTM Standard F2412/F2413 for a 75 lb impact (I/75) and compression (C/75) resistance rating. PUNCTURE COMPLIANCE - Insole complies with ASTM F2412/F2413 and meets a minimum Puncture Resistance of 270 lbs (PR). CSA CERTIFIED - as per Standard Z334-14 - Protective Footwear. Class 7231 02 - Occupational Health & Safety Products - Grade 1: over the shoe Toe Protectors withstands impact velocity minimum of 3.32m/s.

CSA Z334-14

EN 14404+A1:2010

US PATENT NO. 6,968,634

ASTM F2412 / F2413

EN 11393-4:2019 - Gloves have been tested to for use with hand-held chainsaws. Class 1 20 m/s.

ASTM F2412 / F2413

EN ISO 11393-4

USA INSURANCE CODE - Indicates a products HCPCS or HCFA code for medical insurance purposes.

ANSI/ISEA 105 - Gloves have been tested to measure cut resistance and meet classification level indicated.



APMA SEAL OF ACCEPTANCE - Indicates product promotes good foot health as per the American Podiatric Medical Associations (APMA) standards.

ANSI/ISEA 138 - Gloves have been tested for impact resistance performance levels 1 to 3. Designed to protect the knuckles and fingers from impact forces.

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