
CTA heads use The clinical indication for prosthetic treatment with a CTA head is by rotator cuff tear arthropathy. Note. The CTA head must be used only in case of good stability of the PRIMA stem. If the CTA Head has to be used, make sure that an Eccentric Adaptor is used (the coupling with the Concentric Adaptor is not allowed) and that the eccentricity is in the cranial direction only. To prepare the seat for the CTA Head, connect the trial humeral head dia. 40 mm (in case of dia. 42 and 46 mm definitive CTA Head) or dia. 46 mm (in case of dia. 50 and 54 mm definitive CTA Head) to the PRIMA stem by means of the dedicated connector for trial adaptor and the trial adaptor taper ecc. 2 mm, ecc. 4 mm or ecc. 6mm . Use the slots of trial head as reference to evaluate the area of the greater tuberosity where the bone has to be removed to host the CTA heads (Figure 40). Use the trial CTA heads with the trial adaptor taper ecc. 2 mm, ecc. 4 mm or 6mm to properly assess the prepared seat. Refine the seat if required until perfect seat of the trial CTA Head is achieved prior to implanting the final CTA Head.

Figure 40


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