Master Licensing Investigations Dec 2020


Screening in China and Japan • CHINA does not have a criminal search per se, because those are only conducted by the Government. What is available is an “irregularity search” through the Ministry of Public Security. They house everyone’s criminal and credit information. • JAPAN is similar to China in terms of disallowing a criminal search. However, an “Illicit Activity Database Search” can be conducted that includes criminal records. • Court records are not available to the public • Many records obtained are stored in a proprietary database and it is a manual process and includes names, case reference, and offense • Limited in nature, only contains offenses in Tokyo and Osaka, the two main urban areas accounting for 20% of Japan’s population • Supplemented with a media press search. A low crime rate makes detection of offenses easier in that minor crimes are even reported and documented in the press. Other offenses such as DUI, theft, assault, and minor drug charges are listed

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Screening in Mexico

National • A search conducted through the State Superior Tribunal of Justice Courts and Courts of First Instance. This search does not contain information from the Mexican Supreme Court of Justice. Local - Recommended • A local criminal search conducted through the state attorney general's office based on the candidate's residential address. Certificates of criminal records are available in most states. (Certificates results cannot be obtained in Baja California (North), Tabasco, Veracruz and Zacatecas as they contain biographical data specific to the candidate; the authorities will not provide that information other than the results of the search. • For these jurisdictions, the search is conducted through the Secretary of Public Security (SSP). Full conviction data is provided. Data is updated monthly.) • As in the United States, the scope of the Local search does not include Federal crimes (large narcotics cases, weapons violations, money laundering, kidnapping, and some financial crimes). • Requirements : Full name, mother’s full maiden name, date of birth, complete address for the search, Mexico ID number (CURP or RFC preferred; IFE or passport number can be accepted). For searches in Baja, a copy of the ID will be required.

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