King's Business - 1910-06

the way Sammis

Notes by By J. H .

whether they are ready to trust the judgment of men as critics of Scrip- ture who either have not the brains to see, or the honesty to admit the de- structive nature of their anti-Christian teaching. SCIENTIFIC SKULLDUGGERY. Dr. Keith, curator of the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, has been studying an old skull dug up, sometime ago, at Gibraltar. He is reported to be of the opinion that: 1st—It is the skull of a woman; 2d—It is six hun- dred thousand years old; 3d—She was shrewd; 4th—She was a woman of spirit; 5th—Her diet was nuts and roots. Now is not that an indication of the marvelous scientific instinct of our age? When Jimmy found a tor- toise with "Adam—Year On e" scored into its undererust no wonder that he knew it was 6,000 years old. But the doctor goes him a hundred times better and not a sign of an inscription to help him! This old lady's " j a w s " and "muscles of mastication" are so well developed that the^doctor has no diffi- culty in reading her menu. " P a t ie Foi de Gr a s" and all the riddle " a la c a r t e" were but nuts for her to crack. But we lack the learned gentleman's assurance. If the size of the cranium were guarantee of relative shrewdness, the doctor's skull should hold a bushel. That she was a woman of spirit we equally question, and think the gentle- man has mistaken the scent of an old molar for her breath; and as for her strong maxillary muscles—we would not wonder if she was but of late a iair gum chewer; or, should she turn out after all to be a man she, i. e., he, no doubt "chewed climax." Humility is perfect quietness of heart. It is to have no trouble. It is never to be fretted, or vexed, or irri- tated, or sore, or disappointed. It is to expect nothing, to wonder at noth- ing that is done to me, to feel nothing done against me. It is to b e ' at rest when nobody praises me, and when I am blamed or despised. It is to have a blessed home in the Lord, where I can go in and shut the door, and kneel to my Father in secret, and am at peace as in a deep sea of calmness, when all around and above is trouble.—Andrew Murray.

HONESTY OK BRAINS. A reviewer says of a recent volume: "We wish every young minister espe- cially could read and ponder Dr. Delk's treatment of Biblical criticism. He would get an estimate of the little value there is in the alarmish notes that echo in the theological world, and of the characterizations of the men who have given their iives to study of the Bible. Dr. Delk points out a fact that should be obvious—that the great formative doctrines that constitute the body of Christian faith are wholly un- affected by the discussions of the critics.'' What is wanting in the reviewer and the author here refered to, honesty or brains? And there are hundreds like them, who say that the critical conclu- sions of so-called scholarship " d o not affect the great formative doctrines" of faith. Instead of being " o b v i o u s" that they do not it is so obvious that they do that it is hard to believe that they who deny it are at the same time sane and sineere. What is the first " g r e at formative doctrine?" It is, by the agreement of all the creeds of Christendom, that the Bible is a supernatural revelation from God and the authoritative source of the facts and doctrines on which our faith is founded. This first fact of Christianity the critics deny. Does that denial not affect the faith? The Reve- lation gone, only rationalism remains. The Bible as God's Word set aside, nothing stands in the way of remov- ing every faet and doctrine transcend- ing natural reason and experience. Hence the " c r i t i c s" have discredited every distinctively Christian element of our faith. They first take away the Word and then the Lord, the Lord who came down from heaven; who shed the substitutionary blood; who rose physi- cally from the grave; who ascended bodily into heaven; and who comes gloriously in the clouds. They contra- dict Moses and the prophets; they dis- pute with Paul and his fellow apostles; they correct the Lord Himself; and then tell us that their new theology does not affect the great* fundamentals of the Faith of Christianity 1 Do they take us for fools? Are they sincere and yet sane? Let common-sense people consider

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