
TRACTORS • 2007 John Deere 8230 MFWD tractor, PS trans., 4 hyd. outlets, 60 gpm hyd. pump, 540/1000 PTO, 480/80R46 rear tires & duals, 380/85R34 front tires, front fenders, front & rear weights, 4,145 hours, SN RW8230P018097 • 1995 John Deere 8100 MFWD tractor, PS trans., 4 hyd. outlets, 30 gpm hyd. pump, 1000 PTO, 480/80R46 rear tires & duals, 380/85R34 front tires, rear weights, 6,272 hours, SN RW8100P003090 • 1984 Allis Chalmers 8030 2wd tractor, PS trans., 2 hyd. outlets, 540 PTO, 18.4-38 rear tires, 11.00-16 front tires, front weights, unknown hours, SN S29788 COMBINE & HEADS • 1995 John Deere 9500 2wd combine, level land feederhouse, chopper, dual spreaders, bin extension, long unloading auger, 30.5L-32 drive tires, 14.9-24 steer tires, AgLeader PF3000 yield monitor, 3,935 eng./2,688 sep. hours, SN H09500X661216 - Post- harvest inspection and work recently completed. • 1999 John Deere 693 6 row 30” corn head, Yetter Stalk Devestators, hyd. deck plates, Headsight height sensors, SN H00693X680725 • 1997 John Deere 920 20’ platform, hyd. fore & aft, SN H00920F671018 • Unverferth HT25 25’ head cart, 20.5x8.0-10 tires, SN 13438 • E-Z Trail 672 25’ head cart, 20.5x8.0-10 tires, SN Z8741 • Kelderman 6 row 30” down corn reel PLANTER • 2000 John Deere 1780 12/23 planter, hyd. drive, vacuum, RowFlow, AgLeader row clutches, 20/20 AirForce up/down pressure, CleanSweep air adjust row cleaners on corn rows, no-till coulters on all rows, eSet corn meters, seed firmers, insecticide, markers, control box, 20/20 monitor, SN A01780E690116 GRAIN HANDLING EQUIPMENT • J&M 750 grain cart, 14” auger, roll tarp, 24.5-32 tires, large 1000 PTO, SN 5071 • Ficklin CA9600 grain cart, 14” auger, 23.1-26 tires, large 1000 PTO, SN 1782 • Westfield WR80-31 8”x31’ truck auger, top drive, 540 PTO, SN 252429 – Low time • Westfield WR80-31 8”x31’ truck auger, top drive, 5 hp. single phase motor, SN 90136 • Mayrath 10”x70’ swing way auger, hyd. hopper swing, 540 PTO, SN 917714

FARM EQUIPMENT • John Deere 724 24’ soil finisher, 5-bar spike tooth harrow, SN N00724X001109 • DMI 530 ecolo-tiger 5-shank disk ripper, rear leveler, SN 422307 • Kewanee 1020 20’ disk, 8.5” spacing, 20” blades, flat fold • Glencoe 9-shank soil saver disk chisel, rear leveler • Bush Hog SM60 3-pt. side boom mower, SN 11-01793 • Remlinger harrow for DMI 5-shank disk ripper • Bush Hog 2615Legend 15’ batwing mower, 6 laminated tires, front & rear chains, large 1000 PTO, SN 12-09067 • 9’ 3-pt. blade TRAILERS • 1985 Ravens 34’ aluminum dump trailer, spring ride, air tag axle, roll tarp, 11R24.5 tires, steel wheels, VIN 1R1D03426FE850269 • Shop built 12’ flatbed trailer, bumper hitch, tandem axle, no title • Shop built 11’ flatbed trailer, bumper hitch, single axle, no title GPS EQUIPMENT • AgLeader Versa display, AgLeader GPS 6500 receiver, AgLeader SteerCommand controller, SteerCommand, Automatic Swath Control & Terrastar unlocks

• John Deere StarFire 3000 receiver • John Deere StarFire iTC receiver

• John Deere ATU 200 universal steering wheel • John Deere ATU 200 universal steering wheel • John Deere Brown Box display, processor, key card FARM SUPPORT ITEMS • (20) John Deere suitcase weights • International suitcase weights • International weight bracket • John Deere 40 series corn head row units • 3-pt. head mover • (3) Elec. motors INSPECTION DATE: Tuesday, December 20th • 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM LOAD OUT: Friday, December 30th • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

• (3) 5,500 bu. grain bins, aeration floors, fans • (1) 6,500 bu. grain bin, aeration floor, fan • (1) 3,500 bu. grain bin, aeration floor, fan


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