More museums
Would like to see Pretend City Museum. Would be a great opportunity for parents to take their kids while their older siblings are playing sports. Advocate for Pretend City. Would like to see it next to the library. Possible even have both them link together. School nurse for the Irvine School District is an advocate for Pretend City. We need a permanent home for Pretend City The City needs cultural amenities to foster kids’ physical fitness, socialization skills – early childhood education Pretend City provides great learning opportunities for kids Young lady from the Youth Leadership Council on Pretend City loves volunteering her time to help kids have an environment where they can learn how the world works Educational stuff needed to bring everything together Need new Pretend City in Great Park to provide an educational space for kids Would like a museum dedicated to outer space Advocates for fire museum pushing for safety and learning aspect Want to add air museum Wants to partner with the fire museum More kids will attend the park if Pretend City moves into the museum Aviation museum needed Pretend City would be a great addition Carol Tipper o 35‐year resident and member of Pretend City. Allows parents and grandparents to interact with kids. Every month a family is recognized. Would love to see it as part of the Cultural Terrace. Please be open to the idea. o Pretend City has helped my children learn how society works. We have been a part of Pretend City for the past four years. o Pretend City had 200,000 visitors from OC, LA & IE. We currently don’t have an outdoor space and would be a perfect fit in the Cultural Terrace. We are currently holding funds for the buildout but can possibly lose the funding if it is not used. Irvine is centered around family museums. Would like to know a timeline of when the Council will make a vote. o Pretend City is a great opportunity for the kids and families. o Pretend City is a safe indoor clean space for kids to play. It gives kids a great experience. Demetria Jackson Board Member for Pretend City o Has three kids and would like to see Pretend City at the Cultural Terrace. It helps connect the kids with the community. We have overgrown our space and need more parking. Would like more outdoor space. Duleep C. Rodrigo Board Member for Pretend City o Very important to have Pretend City. Will be good for after‐school programs. It is a great place to have children’s birthday parties. The park should be asking the museum to come and not the other way around. The community would welcome it.
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