Dimming control is independent from on/off control. You can still adjust the dimming level when the device is set to ‘Off’ and the new setting will be seen when you turn the device back on.
The minimum dimming level is 10%. If you want the light to go to 0% brightness (i.e. off) you must use the on/off button.
Full Control The full range of functions for the Solar 80 projector can be controlled by going to its dedicated Device Panel.
From the Home page, choose which device you wish to control and click somewhere within the grey box for that device where there is no direct control button (e.g. on the picture or on the device name).
The dedicated Device Panel will open and you can now control all the functions of the projector.
On/Off Click on the large circular button at the bottom centre of the screen to turn the projector on and off. Dimming Move the blue slider button to control the lamp brightness. You can also use the buttons at each end of the slider to change the brightness in 10% steps. (Note: minimum brightness is 10%)
Designed and Manufactured in the UK by Optikinetics
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