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To set a schedule, click on the ‘Schedule’ button on the bottom right of the screen. A Schedule screen will appear. Click on ‘Add’. A pop -up screen will appear where you can configure an on or off event. Set the desired time of day for the event and select which days of the week you want the event to happen, then set the type of event you want, either ‘On’ or ‘Off’. You also have the option to set a name for the event, as well as choose whether you want to receive a notification when the event happens.

When you have finished configuring your options, click on ‘Save’

Repeat the above process for each additional event you want to schedule. For example, if you want the projector to come on at a certain time and then go off at a certain time, you will need to create two scheduled events. One for the ‘on’ event and one for the ‘off’ event. Editing & Deleting To edit the name, access additional features, or to delete a device from the App, go to the Device Panel for that particular device, then click ‘EDIT’. A page will appear showing various options which you can configure to your own preference. To delete the device from the App, scroll to the bottom of the EDIT page and click ‘Remove Device’. A pop -up will appear asking if you want to simply disconnect the device or to disconnect and wipe data. Click on your preferred option. Scenes & Automation The OPTI Kinect App also includes the ability to set up comprehensive scene and automation presets, with independent control over all individual functions of the projector.

Designed and Manufactured in the UK by Optikinetics


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