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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 DEMANDE DE PAVAGE DE CASSELMAN Le Village de Casselman a demandé aux Comtés unis de Prescott et Rus- sell (CUPR) d’inclure dans sa liste des projets d’immobilisations 2019 le repavage du tronçon de la rue Principale, de l’interconnexion avec la voie ferrée du CP au village route. Le conseil des CUPR a accepté la demande lors de la session ordinaire du 29 août pour inclusion dans le cadre de la discussion sur le budget CUPR 2019. – Gregg Chamberlain FARM TAX UPDATE The United Counties of Prescott-Rus- sell (UCPR) says that any changes to the farm tax rates are the provincial government’s responsibility and not up to local governments to decide. UCPR officials made the point during a meeting with representatives for the new provincial government during the recent Association of Municipalities of Ontario conference in Ottawa. The Federation of Agricul- ture has been meeting with muni- cipal and county councils earlier this year asking them to consider reductions to local farm tax rates to help the agriculture sector deal with rising operating costs. – Gregg Chamberlain



in court.» Armstrong noted that both the township and the UCPR promised to adjust their signage bylaws within two weeks. Leroux confirmed he will ask Russell council to reverse the changes made earlier this year to the signage bylaw. «This is a win for democracy,» said Arms- trong. «The use of electoral signs is effective and encourages participation in democracy.» Dissenting voice /JDPMBT%BPVTU BDBOEJEBUFGPSPOFPG the councillor seats in Russell Township, expressed disappointment in an email statement at the overall election signage situation. «I respect the mayor’s decision, despite NZTVQQPSUPGUIFCZMBX vTUBUFE%BPVTU j&MFDUJPOTJHOT JONZPQJOJPO BSFGPSWPUFST to express their support for a candidate rather than allowing candidates to display as many signs as possible on public property. Many residents have expressed their appre- ciation for this bylaw and it’s unfortunate that it will be repealed for saving our tax dollars from potential legal costs.» %BPVTUOPUFEIJTDBNQBJHOTJHOTXJMMCF limited to private property «and I encourage other candidates to do the same.»

Candidates for seats on Russell Township council can post their cam- paign signs along public roads around the township. Mayor Pierre Leroux wants to avoid “a media circus” over a threat by legal counsel for Charles Armstrong, one of the mayoral candidates, for a possible court injunction against the township concerning revisions earlier this year to the municipal signage bylaw. The revisions had restricted election campaign signage to private property and banned it from public roadsides. “I don’t want to waste taxpayers’ money,” said Leroux, following the end of the August 29 United Counties of Prescott Russell ses- sion (UCPR). Leroux also asked for and got agreement from counties council to ignore a previous request from Russell Township for revision of the UCPR signage bylaw to also forbid election campaign signage along county roads. Instead, Leroux suggested, counties council could consider revising its bylaw “to respect municipal bylaws on the issue.” Armstrong stated during a later interview that «there was no legal suit, as such», but that his attorney had sent letters to both the township and the counties stating that the election signage restrictions in the bylaw «were not constitutional, and if they did not reverse them, we would challenge them

Charles Armstrong, candidat à la mairie de la Municipalité de Russell, n’aura pas à contester un règlement portant sur l’affichage en période électorale. La Municipalité a renversé une modification apportée au règlement qui limitait l’affichage aux propriétés privées. Les candidats pourront désormais installer des panneaux de campagne le long des routes publiques. Le conseil des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell a également décidé que le règlement sur l’affichage le long de ses routes s’harmoniserait aux règlements municipaux locaux. —photo Gregg Chamberlain





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