Introduction to Income Tax and NICs

Introduction to Income Tax and NICs Pay As You Earn and income tax


Taxable income

Before applying the appropriate tax rates to income, an adjustment must be made to gross pay to take account of non-taxable elements and Personal Allowances.

Non-taxable elements will include:

• Donations to a charity through a charitable Payroll Giving scheme

• Payments of certain expenses incurred in the course of business

• Payments to a Share Incentive Plan scheme (SIP)

• Contributions to a pension scheme that operates the Net Pay Arrangement (NPA), including Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs).

Personal Allowances are determined by the individual tax code allocated to the employee by HMRC.


Personal Allowances

All individuals are entitled to tax allowances that serve to reduce the income on which they pay tax. The standard amounts of tax allowance vary according to the circumstances of the individual.

Personal income tax allowances

2023-24 £

Income tax allowances

Personal Allowance

Personal Allowance


Income limit for basic Personal Allowance


Married Couple’s Allowance

Born before 6 April 1935


Minimum amount of MCA


Marriage Allowance (Transferable Tax Allowance)


Blind Person’s Allowance


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