Poole & Wimborne - What happens after a burial

Native and wild planting guide

After a burial Client information for what happens next

Backfilling of the grave: The backfilling of a loved one’s grave will take place soon after the mourners have departed from the graveside, the grave shall be entirely backfilled and made tidy. Once the backfilling of a grave takes place the grave will be left slightly mounded to allow for settlement. This is an entirely natural process caused by loosened soil settling back into place. Once the backfilling has taken place any flowers will be carefully placed on the grave by our staff. Once any flowers arrangements have deteriorated the grave owner is required to remove them, the grounds staff will remove and dispose of them if this hasn’t been adhered too.

Grave settlement after the burial:

The grave will need a minimum period of at least 12 weeks for settlement to take place, this can vary depending on weather and ground conditions. During the weeks after burial the grounds staff will conduct regular checks of the grave, once they identify that settlement has taken place, they will top up the grave. This may need to be carried out a couple of times, once stabilised a layer of topsoil will be placed over ready for either grass seeding/planting.

Metal vase: A sunken vase will be placed in the centre of the plot for fresh flowers, these are free of charge, and we allow one per plot. You will find designated taps around the burial ground with watering cans provided for you to use. Bronze plaque: If you would like to order a bronze memorial plaque, please see a member of staff for a memorial request order form and they will be more than happy to assist you. Once the plaque order form has been returned to the burial ground a proof will sent by e-mail for checking. When the layout & wording has been approved the plaque will take up to 4-6 weeks to arrive. When the plaque arrives at the burial ground, it will be placed onto the grave by the burial ground staff. If family members would like to place the plaque, please advise the burial ground staff when placing the plaque order.

Tree planting: Any plot that is purchased with a tree, the tree will be planted in our planting season between November & March (Please note – any burial taking place close to planting season may have to wait until the following planting season due to ground settlement) – please see our tree planting leaflet for full details of tree planting procedures & timings. Wildflower planting: The planting of suitable native wildflowers and bulbs is permitted and encouraged, these should be planted within the area of the plot and the plot size must not be altered – please see our wildflower planting leaflet for full information about suitable plants.

Other information: • No artificial, man-made, wooden or stone items can be placed onto the plot with the sole exception of metal vases and memorial plaques supplied by the woodland burial ground. • No other vases, ornaments, pots, trinkets or memorials are permitted. • Any items found to be on plots in breach of this policy will be removed without notice • No edging of any sort is permitted. • All maintenance work around the plot will be carried out by our burial ground team.

Positioned in 20 acres of mature woodland and rolling green hills, the natural beauty on display here makes our grounds an ideal place for quiet contemplation and remembrance.

For further information please contact our team:

Natural Burial Grounds Limited. Registered in England and Wales. Company No. 13689312. Registered office: 1000 Lakeside, Western Road, Portsmouth, PO6 3FE. A subsidiary of South of England Funeral Partners Limited. VAT Registration No.107 6564 68. V1 Jul2023. Greenhill Road | Colehill | Wimborne | BH21 2RG 01202 888887 @PooleWimborneWoodland info@pooleandwimborne.co.uk pooleandwimbornewoodlandburial.co.uk

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