Avis d'achèvement d’étude Évaluation environnementale de portée municipale pour la prolongation proposée de la promenade Nick Kaneb
BREACH Amanda Stevens, 29, of Cornwall, was arrested on March 14 on the strength of a probation warrant. It is alleged that the woman breached the conditions of her conditional sentence order. The woman remained in custody to await a bail hearing. A 46-year-old Cornwall man was arrested on March 18 and charged with breach- ing his probation order for having made contact with someone that he has condi- tions not to and for failing to keep the peace. His name was not released as it might identify the victim in the matter. WARRANT Jason Gougeon, 34, of Cornwall, was arrested on March 14 on the strength of a warrant. It is alleged that the man was breaching his probation conditions and a warrant was issued for his arrest. He was taken into custody and released with a court date of April 17. Stephanie Portieouse, 29, of Cornwall, was arrested on March 14 on the strength of a probation office warrant. It is alleged that the woman breached her conditional sentence order and a warrant was issued for her arrest. She was taken into custody and released to appear in court on April 17. Nelson Beauvais, 27, of Cornwall, was arrested on March 14 on the strength of a warrant. It is alleged that during a traffic stop on February 18, the man was found to be out past curfew and being in the company of someone known to have a criminal record. The man was later released to appear in court on May 1 to answer to the charges. Kevin Simser, 30, of Cornwall, was arrested on March 18 on the strength of a war- rant. It is alleged that the man had breached his probation conditions and a proba- tion office warrant was issued for his arrest. He was taken into custody and held for a bail hearing. Kevin Tait, 60, of Cornwall, was arrested on March 20 on the strength of a warrant. As a result of the warrant the man was held in custody. ASSAULT, ASSAULT POLICE, BREACH Cory Sabourin, 35, of Cornwall, was arrested on March 14 and charged with as- sault, assault police and breach of undertaking for failing to notify a change of ad- dress and failing to keep the peace. The man was transported to police headquar- ters where he was held for a bail hearing. IMPAIRED, OVER 80 Gary Ingram, 58, of Long Sault, was arrested on March 15 and charged with im- paired operation of a motor vehicle and over 80. He was taken into custody, charged accordingly and later released to appear in court on April 8. ASSAULT POLICE Matthew Levac, 24, of Cornwall, was arrested on March 15 and charged with as- saulting police with a weapon. He was charged accordingly and later released to appear in court on April 17. ASSAULT, FORCIBLE CONFINEMENT A 42-year-old Cornwall man was arrested on March 15 and charged with assault and forcible confinement. His name was not released as it might identify the victim in the matter. ASSAULT A 20-year-old Cornwall woman was arrested on March 16 and charged with as- sault. Her name was not released as it might identify the victim in the matter. A 34-year-old Cornwall man was arrested on March 16 and charged with assault. His name was not released as it might identify the victim in the matter. An 18-year-old Cornwall man was arrested on March 17 and charged with assault and breach of a youth probation order for failing to keep the peace. His name was not released as the breach charge stems from a youth probation order and his name is protected under the Youth Criminal Justice Act.
La Ville de Cornwall a complété l'évaluation environnementale de portée municipale (ÉE) pour la prolongation proposée de la promenade Nick Kaneb. Cette étude a été complétée comme un projet annexe «B» dans le cadre de l'ÉE de portée municipale. Le Plan recommandé permet à la Ville de Cornwall de prolonger la promenade Nick Kaneb de l'avenue Marleau et de la rue Tenth. Le Plan recommandé fournit les éléments bénéfiques suivants; un nouveau lien de route à 2 voies, trottoirs, boulevards gazonnés, un sentier récréatif, une intersection conventionnel à la rue Tenth et offre une connectivité améliorée vers et depuis le parc d'affaires de Cornwall.
Un dossier de projet documentant les effets du plan recommandé prévus par le projet et les mesures d'atténuation correspondantes a été élaboré et est disponible sur le dossier public pour examen par le public et l'agence. Une copie du dossier de projet est disponible pour examen public au:
Service de l'infrastructure et des travaux publics Ville de Cornwall 1225, rue Ontario Cornwall, ON K6H 5T9
L'examen public pour ce projet commence le 26 mars 2014. Questions ou commentaires écrits peuvent être déposés jusqu'au 30 avril 2014 à :
Enrique Kamm, M.Sc., P. Eng. Division du transport Service de l’infrastructure et des travaux municipaux
Angelo Renon, P.Eng. Directeur du projet WSP 2611, promenade Queensview Ottawa ON K2B 8K2 Tel: 613 829-2800 Toll Free: 1 866 537-5289 Fax: 613 829-8299 angelo.renon@wspgroup.com
Ville de Cornwall 1225, rue Ontario Cornwall ON Tel: 613 930-2787 Ext. 2231 Fax: 613 932-8891 ekamm@cornwall.ca
Si les préoccupations au sujet de ce projet ne peuvent être résolues en discussion avec la Ville de Cornwall, une personne/parti peut demander que le ministre de l'Environnement émettre une ordonnance que le projet se conforme à la partie II de la Loi sur l'évaluation environnementale (partie II). Cette demande doit être reçue par le ministre à l'adresse indiquée ci-dessous, avant le 30 avril 2014. Une copie de la demande doit également être envoyée à la Ville de Cornwall. S'il n'y a aucune demande reçue, le projet peut aller de l'avant, pourvu que les fonds soient disponibles pour la conception et la construction telles que présentées dans l'étude.
Ministre de l'Environnement Hon. Jim Bradley A/S Division des Évaluation environnementales et des approbations 2, avenue St. Clair Ouest, plancher 12A Toronto, ON M4V 1L5 Tél : 416 314-8001 Sans frais : 1 800 461-6290 Fax : 416-314-8452 Courriel : minister.moe@ontario.ca
Tous les commentaires reçus concernant l'étude seront obtenues en vertu de la Loi sur l'évaluation environnementale et, à l'exception des renseignements personnels, feront partie du dossier public. F184347_TS
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