Over 40 streets to be repaired in Cornwall FRANCIS RACINE francis.racine@eap.on.ca
to tender and it’s expected to be completed between May and the end of August. “Through our pavement management system, we rate the condition of every street in the city, and we use this tool to help de- termine which streets receive improve- ments,” said Jamie Fawthrop, Design and Construction Engineer.“There are a number of factors to consider, such as traffic volume and the age and condition of watermains and sewers on a particular street.” Other road projects planned for 2014 include the reconstruction of Conliffe Ave- nue, Whitehead Avenue and Seventh Street East from Sydney Street to the eastern limit. As per the city’s bicycle and pedestrian master plan, new bike lanes will be built this year along the road shoulders on Sec- ond Street, from Anderson Drive to Bound- ary Road. These additions will build on work done last year to add bike lanes on Bound- ary Road, from Marleau Avenue to Gray’s Creek and Industrial Park Drive, from Opti- mum Drive to Boundary Road. “These additions will create better con-
nections for cyclists between the Business Park and other parts of the city,” said Mr. Fawthrop. The City is hosting an open house on Tuesday, March 25, at the Municipal Works office (1225 Ontario Street) for the 2014 list of asphalt paving and concrete works proj- ects. Members of the public will be able to
review and comment on the various proj- ects that are planned. The open house will run from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. “The open house will give residents and business owners a chance to review the plans and have their questions answered before the work begins,” said Mr. Fawthrop.
CORNWALL | Over 40 streets will be re- paired or rebuilt this year as part of the City of Cornwall’s annual investment in the transportation network. The summer roadwork season will also involve several active transportation projects including new sidewalks and the addition of bike lanes in the Cornwall Business Park to complement work undertaken last year. All told, the City will be adding or repair- ing 12.5 kilometres of roadways, 1 kilome- tre of sidewalks and 3.7 kilometres of bike lanes. Several dozen streets will receive work this year as part of the City’s yearly grouping of asphalt paving and concrete works proj- ects. This list of work includes portions of busy arteries like Pitt Street, Second Street and McConnell Avenue, as well as quieter residential streets. The work is currently out
Devant plusieurs dignitaires communautaires dont Jim McDonnell, Elaine McDo- nald et Syd Gardiner, ainsi que plusieurs membres du Centre Charles-Émile-Claude, Linda Newman, directrice générale du Centre Charles-Émile Claude, a annoncé que le centre est en besoin de financement. «Nous avons eu la malchance de découvrir une fissure sur le toit, a-t-elle expliqué. Heureusement, Trillium nous a accordé une subvention de 50 000$.» Selon le rapport soumis et publié par la directrice générale, plusieurs travaux de construction ont déjà été entamés: la réparation d’une section du toit jugée urgente; la rénovation de la cuisine, un projet entamé par Churchill Kitchen; l’ajustement du panneau électrique; et l’installation de l’air climatisé. Selon le rapport, quelques travaux devront être effectués dans un court délai. Les coûts totaux des tra- vaux s’élèveraient à 160 000$. L’immeuble a été acquis en 2007. (FR) Centre Charles-Émile Claude en besoin de réparations
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