FY2026 Superintendents Preliminary Budget Final-1

Notably, we are finding limits to the number of students in a particular grade level that require intervention in similar skills that may hinder the degree to which this recommendation is implemented.

Proposed Staffing Changes Based on the guidelines and strategies noted above, we are proposing reductions to each of our levels as summarized below. More detailed information about proposed staffing reductions will be presented at the February 8 Budget Workshop. District-wide, our priority was staffing our general education classrooms within school committee guidelines and we were able to do this. The staffing proposal reflected below reflects general education staffing reductions to bring all class sizes K-12 within the stated guidelines.

Reductions at the elementary level parallelled recommendations from the Elementary Budget Task Force, particularly with regard to the reduction to general education assistant hours.

I want to acknowledge that the recommended budget reduces Tier 2 & 3 supports for students and leaves unmet a significant need for multilingual education services. These may be a priority if additional revenues become available.

Additions (1.06 FTE):

0.3 FTE


Both of these positions are necessary for Special Education Programming based on existing IEPs

0.76 FTE Special Education Assistant

Reductions (19.64 FTE)

District-wide (1.6 FTE) 1.0 FTE

Special Education Administrator

Reorganization of Special Education Leadership Structure

0.6 FTE

Office Administrative Assistant

Reduction in staffing

Elementary (8.69 FTE) 1.0 FTE

Math Specialist

This reduces one of the six math specialist positions across the district. The 5 remaining math specialists will be allocated based on student need across the district. This represents an approximately 25% reduction in classroom assistant hours allotted to Elementary Schools and was a recommendation from the Elementary Budget Task Force. This will leave full-time general education assistants in Kindergarten classrooms and the equivalent of one grade level of assistant hours per school to be allocated by administration. These additional hours are in addition to the time required for lunch and recess coverage.

5.55 FTE General Education Assistants

1.9 FTE

Reading Assistants

This reduces four of the District’s 6 part-time reading assistants.

To develop engaged, well-balanced learners through collaborative, caring relationships. WELLNESS • EQUITY • ENGAGEMENT



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