Remaining assistants will be allocated on a needs basis to schools with higher numbers of students requiring reading intervention. Convert Library Media Specialist position to a Library Media Assistant (Attrition).
0.0 FTE
Library/Media Specialists
Junior High School (3.0 FTE) 3.0 FTE
General Education Teachers (Math, Science, Social Studies)
Program to School Committee Class Size Guidelines - 1.0 ELA reduced this FY25. These additional 3.0 reductions reflect reduced enrollment. This will require 1 JHS team to be split between 7th and 8th Grades. Resulting class sizes in these content areas will remain at the upper end of school committee guidelines and average 24 students.
High School (6.35 FTE) 1.875 FTE Campus Security
Reduce Campus Monitors from current allotment of 5.85 FTE. There is currently 1.875 FTE vacant from these roles, so reductions are through attrition. Reduce a part-time STAR Tutor, which is a general education assistant position in the HS STAR Program. Program to School Committee Class Size Guidelines - 1.0 English Teacher reduced after the FY25 Budget due to attrition. The remaining reductions reflect reduced enrollment. The additional reductions were made in program areas where average class sizes were under school committee guidelines. Resulting class sizes in these content areas will average 22-23 students.
0.475 FTE STAR Tutor
5.0 FTE
General Education Teachers (2.0 English, 2.0 Social Studies, 1.0 Math)
Updates to Future Budget Iterations The development of the school budget is an iterative process over several months. The information in this preliminary budget proposal will evolve as we receive feedback from staff and community members as well as updated information from the state regarding key revenues and expenses. Some important updates not included in the preliminary budget that will be incorporated into the recommended budget: Revenues: Chapter 70 & Regional Transportation - The Governor released her budget on January 22, 2025, after the development of this Preliminary Budget. There are still many steps until the legislature passes its final budget in late-June or early-July. That said, in recent years, the Governor's Budget represents a conservative estimate of the revenues that will be included in the final budget and her proposal provides some modest increases to state revenues for Acton-Boxborough. New revenues from the Governor’s Budget are approximately $450,000, including moderate increases to both Chapter 70 Aid and Regional Transportation. Expenses: Health Insurance - Based on early guidance from MIIA, our health insurance budget accounted for a 12% increase. The District recently received a final budget calculation of a 14.84% increase which will result in approximately $300K in additional expenses that will need to be accounted for in the recommended budget.
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