● Class Size ○ Increasing class size would negatively impact the student-teacher relationship and the social-emotional/academic support and instruction that can be provided to students. ○ Keeping class sizes manageable promotes stronger peer-to-peer connection and collaboration. ● Reading and Math Specialists: ○ provides support to striving students during intervention blocks. ○ are critical members of instructional teams that contribute by collecting, analyzing and presenting data. ● Instructional Coaches: ○ are essential to supporting new staff and teachers acclimating to new curriculum and best teaching practices in Tier 1 and Tier 2 instruction. ○ are integral to supporting professional learning, curriculum implementation and are responsible for supporting improved academic and culturally responsive practices for all students through teacher coaching and integrated professional learning in the classroom.
District-wide changes/impacts
Reduction in Classroom Assistants: ● Will impact the implementation of Tier 2 Instruction during FLEX time. This will impact small-group instruction.
Reduction in Reading Assistants: ● Fewer students will have the opportunity to receive Tier 2 intervention support with the loss of four reading assistants.
Reduction of 1.0 FTE Math Specialist: ● Math Specialists will be reallocated and assigned where there is the greatest need. Some schools will see a reduction in this support. Reallocation of Reading Specialists: ● Reading Specialists will be reallocated and assigned where there is the greatest need. Some schools will see a reduction in this support. The district-wide reductions of Tier 2 and 3 interventionists (1 math specialist and 4 Reading Assistants), given our current fiscal landscape, will require increased attention to efficiencies, tighter guidelines and clarity of expectations, and likely a reduction in the number of students at the elementary levels receiving additional support.
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