● Social-Emotional Learning: With the implementation of the social-emotional curriculum, The Second Step students learned bullying prevention and worked on SEL skills, including self-management/regulation, goal setting, and how to practice a growth mindset. In addition, we officially rolled out our SOAR values-Show Perseverance, Offer Compassion, Act Responsibly, and Respect Self, Others, and Property. As part of this, we introduced our SOARing Together recognition system for students. ● Culturally Responsive Teaching: As part of our effort to reach all learners, we continued a deeper focus on culturally responsive teaching practices, focusing on Tier 1 instruction, meeting our disparate group of learners, and moving learners from dependent to independent. Part of this work included teachers conducting diversity classroom library audits to ensure that students not only see themselves in literature but that they’re able to look into the world of other students/families/cultures. ● MTSS -With the support of our instructional coaches, who consistently analyze data, and reading and math specialists, who work with small groups of students, we’ve continued the work of providing targeted instruction for students to support their learning. Specifically, students receiving tier 2 instruction receive it in one of two ways: through our specialists and/or FLEX block within their classrooms. This year, we set consistent expectations for our FLEX block to ensure that all students’ needs are being met. In addition, we changed the structure of our data meetings with staff to meet the needs of our staff better. We consistently progress monitor our interventions to ensure that we’re meeting the wide-ranging needs of learners.
The elementary leadership team prioritized keeping equitable support for students’ academic, social, emotional, and behavioral needs. The key focus was on: ● Class Size
○ Increasing class size would negatively impact the student-teacher relationship and the social-emotional/academic support and instruction that can be provided to students. ○ Keeping class sizes manageable promotes stronger peer-to-peer connection and collaboration.
Reading and Math Specialists: ○
provides support to striving students during intervention blocks. ○ are critical members of instructional teams that contribute by collecting, analyzing and presenting data.
Instructional Coaches: ○ are essential to supporting new staff and teachers in acclimating to new curricula and best teaching practices in Tier 1 and Tier 2 instruction. ○ are integral to supporting professional learning, curriculum implementation and are responsible for supporting improved academic and culturally responsive practices for all students through teacher coaching and integrated professional learning in the classroom. .
District-wide changes/impacts
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