Reduction in Classroom Assistants: ● Will impact the implementation of Tier 2 Instruction during FLEX time. This will impact small-group instruction.
Reduction in Reading Assistants: ● Fewer students will have the opportunity to receive Tier 2 intervention support with the loss of four reading assistants.
Reduction of 1.0 FTE Math Specialist: ● Math Specialists will be reallocated and assigned where there is the greatest need. Some schools will see a reduction in this support. Reallocation of Reading Specialists: ● Reading Specialists will be reallocated and assigned where there is the greatest need. Some schools will see a reduction in this support. The district-wide reductions of Tier 2 and 3 interventionists (1 math specialist and 4 Reading Assistants), given our current fiscal landscape, will require increased attention to efficiencies, tighter guidelines and clarity of expectations, and likely a reduction in the number of students at the elementary levels receiving additional support.
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