FY2026 Superintendents Preliminary Budget Final-1





‭Paul P. Gates Elementary‬

‭Allison Warren‬


‭ENROLLMENT SUMMARY‬ ‭Use Oct 1, 2024 enrollment Data from‬ ‭DESE‬ ‭Profile‬

‭The mission of Gates Elementary is to foster confident, engaged students,‬ ‭who embrace challenges, value inclusivity, and contribute to their community‬ ‭by providing educational opportunities to explore, collaborate and problem‬ ‭solve in a safe environment, guided by our values of kindness, inclusivity, and‬ ‭respect.‬







‭Our all school rules reflect our values: Be respectful, Be Kind, Be Safe and Try‬ ‭your best.‬









‭SELECTED FY25 ACCOMPLISHMENTS‬ ‭●‬ ‭Social Emotional Learning (SEL) - Gates is now in its second year of using the DESSA screener to identify school and grade‬ ‭level SEL needs. This year the school is focused on relationship skills through all school community meetings, classroom‬ ‭morning meetings, and second step lessons. We have continued to focus on deepening our commitment to Responsive‬ ‭Classroom practices schoolwide to support creating a safe and welcoming environment.‬ ‭●‬ ‭High Leverage Practices - This year Gates has focused some of our or school wide professional learning time on high‬ ‭leverage practices, specifically teacher efficacy and clarity. Our focus on collaborative practices and learning targets‬ ‭directly supports Tier 1 classroom instruction and student progress.‬ ‭●‬ ‭Values, Mission and Purpose- Over the course of the school year, the staff, student, and community has been working on‬ ‭developing a Mission, Purpose, and Values. This important work will help us focus our priorities and support the‬ ‭development of our next school improvement plan.‬ ‭●‬ ‭EL Curriculum - Gates staff have continued to deepen their understanding of our new ELA curriculum and adapt it to meet‬ ‭the needs of our students. Through district-wide professional learning and frequent data meetings, staff have had the‬ ‭opportunity to share learnings and best practices.‬

‭FY26 BUDGET PRIORITIES, INITIATIVES & BUDGETARY CONSIDERATIONS‬ ‭It will be important to continue to focus on meeting our diverse set of needs at Gates elementary.‬ ‭●‬ ‭Supporting‬‭all‬‭students’ social, emotional, academic,‬‭and behavioral needs of all students through MtSS‬ ‭●‬ ‭Continuing to support the implementation of Tier One Instruction‬

‭SUMMARY OF CHANGES FROM FY25 TO FY26‬ ‭The district wide reductions of Tier 2 and 3 interventionists (1 math specialist and 4 Reading Assistants) and classroom assistants,‬


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