FY2026 Superintendents Preliminary Budget Final-1

Proposed Budget Changes:

Math Specialist: The amount of small group math intervention time available will be reduced across the district. It is not clear now if this will specifically impact McCarthy-Towne. If this position is cut at McCarthy-Towne, potential cycles of interventions will need to be shortened, group size will need to be increased, and when supports are offered, it may occur during instructional blocks due to limited flexibility. This will impact the effectiveness of the intervention. Reading Assistants: The amount of small group reading intervention time available will be reduced across the district. We will have to analyze how students who need reading intervention are scheduled and supported. If this position is cut at McCarthy-Towne, potential cycles of interventions will need to be shortened, group size will need to be increased, and when supports are offered, it may occur during instructional blocks due to limited flexibility. This will impact the effectiveness of the intervention. Reduction in Classroom Assistants: Students will be impacted by not having the same level of relationships with the staff supervising them during recess and lunch. These are two of the most critical times for students to be with trusted adults with training to support students during unstructured times. This will also lead to more disciplinary referrals to the office and the counselors. Students will also not have as much opportunity for academic support as the reduced assistant time, which will substantially minimize classroom support time. Teachers will be asked to carry more of this work, likely leading to teachers shifting to more whole-group instruction and less small-group, targeted instruction. ILT Stipends: Our staff will continue to review school-wide data to chart the course forward, but we cannot offer compensation for this work. Therefore, this work will shift to staff meetings and professional learning time, limiting the amount of professional learning time available for other initiatives..

CRTL Stipends: Our staff will continue to do this work, but we cannot offer compensation. Therefore, this work will shift to staff meetings and professional learning time, limiting the amount of professional learning time available for other initiatives..


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