FY2026 Superintendents Preliminary Budget Final-1





Multilingual Learning

Maryann Young

ORGANIZATION/PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The ABRSD Multilingual Education (MLE) Department provides educational programming for multilingual students with the goal of developing English language proficiency while learning content-area knowledge. We place high value on our students, their families, and their language and cultural backgrounds. We welcome multilingual learners at any grade, age, and proficiency level and provide them support that is matched to their level of development. Department responsibilities include: ● Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements for MLE programs PreK-12. ○ Administration of Annual Language Proficiency Assessment (Screeners). ○ Administration of State Accountability Assessment (ACCESS).Collaborate with building-based administrators and MLE staff to provide appropriate accommodations for MLs when taking MCAS. ■ Initial Identification of multilingual learners and former English learners. ■ Develop MLE Programming and Services (including curriculum) Pre-k-12. ■ Develop protocols for Program Exit and Readiness. ■ Ensure Parent Involvement. ■ Collaborate with human resources to monitor licensure requirements (SEI endorsements) and student placement. ■ Responsible for keeping records of MLs in cumulative folders. ■ Progress monitor all MLs, FELs, and Opt-outs. ■ Collaborate with MLE and building based staff to create English Language Support Plans (ELSPs) for students who do not achieve DESE’s expected annual growth. ○ Collaborate with human resources, registration, and the high school counseling department about ML student placement. ○ Coordinate translation/interpretation services. ○ Facilitate professional learning, both at the department level, and for general education staff. ○ Collaborate with building-based administrators to problem solve unique situations involving MLs in a culturally responsive way. ○ Maintain Ellevations (MLE) database. ○ Represent the district at the state level by participating in DESE initiatives such as the SLIFE Community of Practice and attendance at the Office of Language Acquisition’s (OLA) network meetings. ○ Participate in the Matsol English Learner Leadership Council (MELLC). ○ Participate in FEDCO (a group of districts formerly in EDCO who continue to hold monthly MLE Director/Coordinator meetings). ○ Facilitate the Multilingual Parent Advisory Council. ○ Collaborate with secondary department leaders, elementary literacy and math coordinators, and other district leaders about best practices for ML students. ○ Facilitate department meetings with elementary and secondary ELD department staff. ○ Support elementary ELD staff with schedule development. ○ Co-evaluate English Language Development teachers. ○ Attend IST and IEP/504 meetings when needed to implement the Multilingual Problem Solving Process and the MTSS process.

○ Develop grading policies for ML students in collaboration with building leaders. ○ Coordinate MLE summer program for elementary and junior high students.


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