● Public Speaking ● Intro to Technical Theater ● Advanced Theatre Production ● Acting I, II ● Playwriting ● Improvisation I, II ● Performing Arts Physical Education
SELECTED FY25 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ● ABRSD was named a Best Community in Music Education by the NAMM Association. ● Enrollment in HS Performing Arts courses continued to increase. ● The ABRHS Madrigals toured the Alajuela, Puntarenas, and San Jose regions of Costa Rica on a concert tour in April 2024. Students performed concerts and outreach at local Costa Rican elementary schools, volunteered at an elderly care facility, and collaborated with a local conservatory choir on a public performance. ● ABRHS Music was awarded a grant from the Acton-Boxborough Cultural Council to assist with funding for the Latin American and Caribbean Music Ensemble Orquesta de la Revolución. ● Blanchard offered an expanded Theatre Elective during Ensemble Block at Blanchard with 70 student participants. ● For the second year, the ABRHS Spring Music Concert was held in the Groton Hill Music Center concert hall. ● The ABRHS Madrigals connected with the surrounding community through performances at Boxborough Council on Aging, Newbury Court, Town of Boxborough & Acton Libraries, Acton Holiday Stroll, and many other events. ● The HS marching band and Blanchard elementary band performed in the 2024 Memorial Day Parades in Acton and Boxborough. ● The district wide orchestra program continues to grow, with enrollment exceeding 300 students in FY25. ● HS Orchestra enrollment at a historic high. ● ABRHS Proscenium Circus participated as a semi-finalist in the METG theatre festival.
● Continued support for Ensemble Block in Elementary School instrumental staff. ● Maintain/Replace aging Districtwide instrument inventory for student use ● Expand string inventory to support growing string program enrollment. ● Improve access to all students through instrument scholarships and program waivers. ● Replace aging furniture in ABRHS Music Lab (30% replaced with existing tables in FY25)
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