FY2026 Superintendents Preliminary Budget Final-1



● The four physical education teachers at the Parker Damon Building and Boardwalk Campus are on Year 3 of the Project Adventure Professional Development to maintain certification through the state in operating and overseeing the climbing structures in the gymnasiums ● Physical educators have attended the Massachusetts Physical Education Health Recreation and Dance (MAHPERD) conference to increase their curriculum and teaching skills. ● We have attended DESE sponsored professional development focused on unpacking the 2023 Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Frameworks. ● One of the elementary schools started a Fun, Run, Walk, or Ride event to promote the importance of physical activity and getting 60 minutes of exercise everyday. ● The elementary physical education teachers have created and/or maintained an “Extra PE” class in their school to teach students with disabilities in small group classes. RJGrey ● RJ Grey JHS health educators have incorporated the Second Step Bullying Prevention lessons this year. All students will receive this instruction before the end of the school year in both grades 7 and 8. ● Physical education teachers coordinate with the Student Council for the “Summer Fun in Winter” volleyball tournament. ● Both health and physical education classes joined together for team-building activities on a selected day for each grade in the fall. ● Health and physical educators have collaborated with school nurses for vision, hearing, and postural screenings as well as SBIRT. ● Twelve district nurses and two PE teachers were recertified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) by a member of the health education staff on Professional Day. ● Health and physical educators regularly participate in the department curriculum spotlight that describes current events which is then sent to families by the JH administration. ABRHS ● Offer a variety of Grade 10-12 Physical/Health Education Classes available to students; Competitive Sports and Games, Lifetime Fitness, Health and Wellness, Water Skills for Life ● Collaboration with School Nurses and Counselors to implement SOS - Signs of Suicide Prevention and SBIRT- Screening, Brief Intervention, Training and Referral in Grade 9 Health Classes ● Discovery Process of Second Step Program -Evidence Based Social Emotional Learning Curriculum, Grade 9 Students will start curriculum pathways in the Health portion of their year long Fitness for Living Class starting in Jan. 2025 ● Continue to offer Stress Management Opportunities during the mid year and end of year assessment times with Pets for People-Dog Therapy, Animal Therapy with the Alpacas ● Continued Successful School Wide- Health and Fitness Day ● ABRHS PE/HE Staff and Elementary PE educators attended the DESE workshops for incorporating the new Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Framework. ● Beginning process of using the CHPE Curriculum Framework Alignment Tool to evaluate our ABRSD PE/HE frameworks during our collaborative staff meetings K-6, 7-12 groups. ● Collaboration with the Art Department in creating a web page to highlight PE/HE at ABRHS

FY26 BUDGET PRIORITIES, INITIATIVES & BUDGETARY CONSIDERATIONS ● Ability to replace equipment that has suffered wear and tear such as a couple of ping pong tables, indoor


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