FY2026 Superintendents Preliminary Budget Final-1


soccer nets, badminton nets and safety mats at RJ Grey. This is also true for ABRHS as much of our equipment is used for ABRHS Clubs and Community Education activities ● Continued professional development for incorporating updated teaching practices while implementing the Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Frameworks. ● Updating of grade span curriculum documents based on changes made within the new Frameworks ● Continuing to evaluate and enhance the oversight of the department for advocacy, leadership, and depth of knowledge in the field in light of the reduction of department leader three years prior ● Proposal for a Health Curriculum at ABRHS to incorporate a digital textbook. ● Maintaining one Physical Education Educator per elementary school as well as maintaining the current PE/HE at RJ Grey JHS and the current ABRHS PE/HE Educators ● Continuing the Project Adventure Professional Development at the elementary level to give students the opportunity for using the climbing structures in the Parker Damon and Boardwalk gymnasiums. ● Continued support for unpacking the new MA Frameworks for CHPE with our K-12 Educators with department meeting time as collaboration time

SUMMARY OF CHANGES FROM FY25 TO FY26 ● The possibility of losing one Elementary Physical Education Teacher, which would have five physical educators be split across 6 elementary schools.



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