FY2026 Superintendents Preliminary Budget Final-1


and Leary Field to utilize the concrete slab foundation for the district’s new outdoor freezer. Upon completion the Facilities team tied the Freezer into the power supply and installed the refrigeration. School bus fleet electrification - ABRSD was recently awarded $1.6 million in electric school bus grants ($200K from US EPA; $1.4 million from MA CEC). The District plans to purchase three electric school buses and chargers, with a goal of having them on the road by Fall 2025. Planning is underway to develop a timeline for full fleet electrification. Blanchard Playground - Design and procurement has been completed along with the LOI for replacement of the outdated and deteriorated playground equipment. Equipment has been ordered and is on site. We continue to work in tandem with the conservation commission and Town of Boxborough to ensure a smooth construct in the spring. Conant Walkway replacement - The walkway leaving the north west side (Taylor rd side) of the building had major damage including, bulging, alligator cracking and missing areas of asphalt that could easily result in a trip and fall incident. The damage was caused from the surface roots of a large pine tree. The walkway was replaced and the tree has been removed to prevent further damage to the foundation and new flatwork. FY26 BUDGET PRIORITIES, INITIATIVES & BUDGETARY CONSIDERATIONS Administration Standby Generator - Based on the “microburst” from last year during the critical time of student departure it was found that the smaller mobile generators were not sufficient in keeping the crisis and administrative team “on-line and in areas where they could be responding to the required responsibilities independently. Instead they were all grouped together in the one space with power. The situation exposed the need for power throughout the building for the betterment of student safety. Estimated Budget $315,600.00 High School Jackson Church RTU Replacement / Engineering - The 11 Jackson Church roof top units are well past their EUL and in need of major repairs and or replacement. The district will be researching an energy efficient viable solution starting with an engineering study. Estimated Budget $340,000.00 Blanchard refurbishment of the fire pump - The fire pump is well past its EUL and is due for a complete overhaul or replacement. After the unit ws serviced this past spring we were told refurbishment of the jockey-pump as opposed to complete replacement would be a viable option. Estimated Budget $48,000.00

● There are additional projects proposed for FY26. Please see the summary table in the Capital Project Overview

SUMMARY OF CHANGES FROM FY25 TO FY26 The Facilities Department is making no personnel changes


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