FY2026 Superintendents Preliminary Budget Final-1

Overview– CIP Update:

The original CIP plan called for an interim review during FY2023. While much of the initial CIP plan was prioritized based on a facility condition assessment (FCA) completed by Dore and Whittier in FY17, a new FCA was completed by Bureau Veritas (a reputable engineering firm specializing in such assessments) and reviewed by AB Staff in early FY24. The new FCA includes scores based on condition and Expected Useful Life (EUL) that help prioritize projects in addition to providing budgeting estimate tools. Although several of the FY24 (and Proposed FY25) projects are in line with these priorities, other projects have come to the top of the list based on immediate and/or emergent needs.

FY25 Projects underway are as follows:

1)​ Replace Admin Building Roof-$320,000 Throughout FY24 it was apparent that the EPDM Roofing System at the Admin building was well beyond EUL and was failing with frequent leaking during rain storms. Although the 2-Story portion of the building was initially expected to be the priority, it became clear that the entire roof needs replacement. Additional testing to determine the structural integrity of the subsurface decking and insulation was conducted and bids were received. Project is expected to be awarded in the coming weeks for a Spring 2025 installation. 2)​ Play Equipment Upgrades-Blanchard-$38,000 A community-led fundraising effort, with support from Boxborough’s CPA fund, resulted in raising over $233,000 towards the replacement of outdated playground equipment at Blanchard. With a total project cost of approximately $271,000 CIP is slated to support the remaining $38,000. Equipment has arrived on site and installation is scheduled for Spring 2025. 3)​ HS Chemistry Closet Ventilation-$71,000 A closet at ABRHS used to store chemicals for science class experiments has an exhaust system that does not meet current OSHA and ANSI guidelines for the appropriate number of Air Changes per hour (ACH) required for this type of storage. Improvements to the exhaust system and makeup air unit that serves the closet are necessary to meet compliance. This project is expected to go forward during the April Vacation week. 4)​ HS Tennis Court Resurfacing-$155,000 The battery of five (5) tennis courts at ABRHS are original to the 2005 construction project and the surface is worn and cracking. In addition to sealing the cracks, a 1.5” asphalt overlay will be applied before repainting the courts. Final surface coating has specific environmental requirements and work is slated to be complete prior to the start of the 2025-26 school year. 5)​ JHS Building Management System-HVAC Controls-$78,000 The HVAC Control system at RJ Grey is original to the 2002 Renovation, and a significant component of the system failed in Fall 2024. Due to the age of the system parts and software licensing are no longer available and a significant portion of the system must be replaced. While


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