FY2026 Superintendents Preliminary Budget Final-1

this is not a complete BMS upgrade, it will replace all of the core components to allow future improvements to be made in small increments as needed without a major CIP investment. Work is expected to begin in the coming weeks. 6)​ PDB Chiller Repairs-$35,000 A 240 Ton chiller plant that provides cooling for the majority of the Parker Damon Building failed during summer 2024. Immediate and significant repairs are needed to return the chiller to working order prior to the start of the Spring 2025 cooling season in order to maintain classroom climate.

Proposed FY26 CIP Expenses

Throughout FY25, facilities staff compiled a comprehensive list of CIP projects that should be addressed in the next 10 years. With over $150M of potential work, the cost of projects greatly exceeds the amounts available in the ever tightening appropriated budget. While making efforts to target projects with incentive and available grant funding, further discussion about other funding alternatives is necessary. MSBA’s Core and Accelerated Repair Programs may be options, and additional borrowing should be considered. Currently the FY26 CIP budget is expected to be funded at $1M from general fund, a list of selected projects and estimated amounts follows. The projects and priorities listed below were based on high needs scores as identified in the recent Facilities Condition Assessment, in addition to input from building maintenance and administrative staff. Projects below were discussed and prioritized by the Capital Budget Subcommittee and selected to move forward in FY26.


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