FY2026 Superintendents Preliminary Budget Final-1


-​ Potential for ice time rental fees to increase due to rising operational costs at rinks -​ Potential for DCL dues to increase to continue offering a high level of services to member schools -​ Coaching stipends account for approximately 54% of the overall athletic operating budget -​ Overall trend of rising operational costs, decreasing attendance at games, reduced ABSAF contributions, and stagnant student participation -​ Risk of increased attrition and decreased student-athlete participation as fees become more expensive and overall district enrollment shifts

-​ Increased reliance on Booster Clubs to subsidize teams, equipment, uniforms, etc. -​ Reduced utilization of police details due to high cost and lowered attendance

SUMMARY OF CHANGES FROM FY25 TO FY26 -​ Over $30,000 reduction in coaching stipends, resulting in approximately 7-9 fewer staffed coaches -​ Approx. 4% increase to transportation lines in anticipation of rising bus fees -​ Approx. 5.5% increase to officiating lines in anticipation of rising officials fees -​ Over 62% reduction in uniform lines from FY24 actual to FY26 requested; 20% reduction from FY25 requested to FY26 requested -​ Approx. 8% reduction in event staff lines, resulting in fewer site workers and potentially understaffed events -​ Approx. 73% increase in reconditioning lines to account for significant FY24 deficit for unbudgeted equipment reconditioning -​ Approx. 11.47% overall requested increase in appropriated budget from FY25 to FY26 due to expected increases in aforementioned areas and notable trends in equipment, supplies, reconditioning, etc.

OTHER REVENUE SOURCES -​ Booster Club donations -​ Promotional monies from BSN/New Balance partnerships -​ Gate receipts

-​ Athletic user fees (increased from $250 per student, per sport to $350 per student, per sport [plus $250 surcharge for ice hockey and alpine ski] and from $1000 annual family cap to $1200 annual family cap) -​ ABSAF contributions -​ Fundraising (minimal by the school directly - primarily done through Booster Clubs) -​ MIAA hosting fees


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