Fall 2024-2025 Actual Stipends $227,799.11 Fall 2024-2025 Optimized Stipends $219,335.46 Savings $8,463.65 Winter 2024-2025 Actual Stipends $171,578.70 Winter 2024-2025 Optimized Stipends $162,699.70 Savings $8,879.00 Spring 2024-2025 Actual Stipends $208,625.95 Spring 2024-2025 Optimized Stipends $194,870.65 Savings $13,755.30
Considerations: - Attrition due to reduction in support staff?? (i.e. gymnastics) - New hires coming in at potentially lower rates - Pushback re: safety and concerns with student participation numbers - Potential upcoming hiring: Certified Athletic Trainer; Athletic Admin Assistant - Advocate for hiring at current rate to ensure applicant pool, quality, and credentialing - Per diem athletic training rate increases - Site Manager Stipend - approx. 54% of overall athletic operating budget = coaching stipends - approx. 75% of coaching stipend $$ is appropriated, with the other ~25% covered from revolving
Total Overall Savings $31,097.95
Position (Season) To Be Cut
Assistant Golf Coach (Fall)
Golf traditionally maintains a roster of approx. 12-16 student-athletes, with only 5-7 competing on a given match day. Golf is a non-contact, low-risk sport.
Assistant Football Coach (Fall)
Football currently has one (1) head coach and six (6) assistant coach stipends assigned. With reduced participation, despite football being a full- contact, high-risk sport, reducing by one (1) position would still yield six (6) total coaches for the program, with split stipends still possible to increase coaching staff. Individualized sport that maintains a roster of approx. 7-11 student-athletes, with only 1-3 competing at a given moment in a meet. Gymnastics is a non- contact, moderate-risk sport performed in an enclosed and controlled location.
Assistant Gymnastics (Winter)
Assistant Boys Ice Hockey (Winter)
Boys Ice Hockey currently has one (1) head coach, two (2) assistant coaches, and one (1) JV coach assigned. With lower participation numbers than historically seen, and to increase parity between the boys and girls programs, reducing by one (1) position would still yield three (3) total coaches for the program, with split stipends still possible to increase coaching staff.
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