FY2026 Superintendents Preliminary Budget Final-1

ABRSD Revolving Funds - Comparative Fund Balance Summary

Fund Balance as of June 30th

FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024 258,021 1,020,123 1,153,166 1,088,330 622,069 1,395,144 1,752,327 2,243,710

School Lunch Program Community Ed Programs* DESE School Choice Program Athletic Revolving Fund Circuit Breaker Reimb. Program All-Day Kindergarten Program

42,127 85,869

8,903 1,408



(0) 100,000

2,410,016 2,403,360 2,068,130 718,860

63,955 196,748 160,145 146,701 4,516 43,040

111,911 304,467 117,999 117,999 91,433 170,995

Occupational Development Program (ODP)

Integrated Pre-School Program

Notes - The A-B School Lunch program benefitted from the state picking up the tab for free student meals to date since FY2021. A-B Community Education programs include: (1) adult and after hours programs; (2) driver education; (3) community usage of school facilities; and, (4) Extended Day (day care) program. In the aggregate, these programs suffered the worst, from the standpoint of participation and (as a result) financially during the pandemic. An infusion of nearly $600K from Acton's American Recovery Program Act (ARPA) allocation bolstered their combined fund balance at the end of FY22. The state's Interdistrict School Choice program provides a modest payment ($5,000) per student for each non-resident student's attendance in District schools; funds are used to defray selected staff costs. Costs of the A-B Student Athletics program are charged between the opertating budget (generally for selected coaching staff salaries) and the Athletic Revolving Fund (all other salaries, transportation, game officials, supplies, etc.). Revenues (student fees and gate receipts) are maintained in the revolving fund. Circuit Breaker is a state reimbursement program that subsidizes the cost of special education services to individual students, based on prescribed calculations; payments must be spent within one year of receipt. All-day Kindergarten is a tuition-based option for parents who want their children to attend a full-day of instruction; the District waives tuition ($1,925 annually) to low income families who cannot afford to pay. ODP provides vocational skills training to in-District and tuition-based out-of-District special needs students. The District's Integrated Pre-School provides special education services to 3- and 4-yearold students with special needs. Non-special needs students may participate (via lottery); their tuition subsidizes staff costs.


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