FY2026 Superintendents Preliminary Budget Final-1

Budgeting Strategies

Carefully manage class sizes Analyzed class sized at JHS and HS and made adjustments to staffing in areas where class sizes were below School Committee guidelines (22-24 students) All departments K-12 will be programmed within guidelines for FY26 Reduces 8 general education teachers in grades 7-12 Implement Recommendations of the Elementary Budget Task Force Reduce Budget for general education assistants by approximately 25% Maintain full-time K assistants and some additional part time assistants to be allocated at the school level Provide coverage for lunch and recess

Closely examine scheduling practices to provide supports for multilingual and special education students Address unmet staffing needs in multilingual education and special education by more closely aligning elementary school schedules to increase the ability to share staff across grade levels and schools Examine Tier 2 & 3 intervention group sizes and scheduling to serve as many students as possible Address reductions in intervention services to students by assessing intervention group sizes and schedules to support as many students as possible



Acton-Boxborough Regional School District

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