FY2026 Superintendents Preliminary Budget Final-1

Structural Changes



FY27 (and beyond) 2 potential pathways: 1. Hyper-focus on efficiency

Eliminate of E&D (FY26)

Health Insurance

Dissolved Acton HIT and entered MIIA $600K Savings by implementing "Opt-Out" in FY25

No use of E&D in FY26 Budget to rebuild reserves

Increase sharing of staff across elementary schools

Reduce budget for elementary general education assistants by 25%

Specials - Art, Music, PE, Library Specialists - Reading & Math Other? Consider increasing class sizes across all level

Restrict Use of E&D (FY25)

Elementary Budget Task Force Recommendations

Limited use of reserves to one-time expenses

Coordinating schedules to assist in service delivery (ML, SpecEd, Intervention) Reconsideration of Elementary Schedules

2. Consider reorganization/ consolidation of schools



Acton-Boxborough Regional School District

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