FY2026 Superintendents Preliminary Budget Final-1

Within an overall budget increase of no greater than 3%*, a Boxborough assessment of less than 6%, and $0 of Excess and Deficiency use:

●​ Increase Capital Funding in order to ensure adequate funding for necessary short and long-term facilities needs. ●​ Plan for obligations including Cost of Contracts (steps, lanes, and Cost of Living Adjustment - COLA), Retirement Contributions, Health Insurance Premiums, and any remaining runout claims from the Acton Health Insurance Trust. ●​ Reduce Tuition for Kindergarten families. ●​ Budget for general education class sizes within established school committee guidelines. The rationale for proposed exceptions to this should be made clear by the administration. ○​ Kindergarten​ 18-20 students ○​ Grades 1-3​ 20-22 students ○​ Grades 4-6​ 22-24 students ○​ Grades 7-12​ 22-24 students ●​ Incorporate prioritized recommendations from the Elementary Budget Task Force ●​ Utilize staff attrition (retirements and resignations), whenever possible to reduce staffing levels in the event budget reductions are necessary. Preliminary Budget and Assessments The Superintendent’s Preliminary Budget for FY26 totals $116,135,080 and represents a 3.00% increase from FY25. The preliminary assessments for the towns are:

Acton - $79,835,435 (0.97%) Boxborough - $16,798,204 (5.25%)

The FY26 Budget was built upon a modified base budget for FY25. The modified base reduced excluded debt from the JHS/HS which was paid off in FY25, and one-time funds from the current operating budget before calculating the increase for FY25. Excluded debt was removed from the base calculation for FY25 because it also represents a proportionate decrease in revenue for both towns. One time funds were removed from the budget by agreement with the towns when the school committee voted on a revised budget after town meetings last year. These one time funds were largely to pay run-out claims from the health insurance trust, with a small amount paying for an elementary budget study, and short-term debt premium.

Details for FY25 Base Budget calculation are:

$116,091,265 FY25 Budget (Revised - 06/2024) -​ $1,627,600 Reduce excluded debt from JHS and SHS renovations -​ $1,711,160 Reduce one time funds from FY25 (E&D, BAN Revenue) $112,752,505 FY25 Base Budget used for calculating 3% increase $3,382,575 3% Increase on “Base” Budget $116,135,080 FY26 School Committee Budget Guideline

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