Semantron 23 Summer 2023

Mathematical curves and Hooke’s chain theory

supporting the walkway (as it is a walkway, the weight of humans is minimal compared to that of the walkway itself). The bridge has a length of 30 metres, while the stainless-steel support is 20 centimetres thick. Also materials are saved by cutting the supporting structure using laser cutters following the patterns of the plastic net, as in this modelling method , the thrust lines don’t have to be deduced using calculations, but the form of the plastic fibres and of the steel structure quite perfectly visualize the thrust lines.


Catenary curve and quadratic parabola have widespread uses in engineering applications for modelling a string under load. Their derivations have led to discoveries such as that of Robert Hooke, whose chain theory has allowed for a much more efficient use of materials. Antonio Gaudi used the chain theory as a way to determine the optimal shapes of arches to be implemented; Heinz Isler applied the chain theory to a more aesthetic way for designing thin-shelled roofs for buildings such as sports centres which requires a spacious inside; and finally Mike Schlaich put the theory into a practical use for the construction of bridges. This branch of science is still up for exploration and could be especially useful for sustainable development because of the amount of material it can potentially save.


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