NLACRC Self Determination Newsletter, March 2025
Self-Determintion Quarterly Newsletter March 2025
March 2025 Edition
Welcome Contacting SDP Staff SDP email: SDLAC email: Self-Determination Contact Information hotline: 818-756-6454
Consumer Services Director
Silvia Renteria-Haro, phone: 661-775-3004
Consumer Services Manager/SDP Manager Robin Monroe, phone: 661-775-3053 Self-Determination Specialists: Email: Megan Briley, phone: 661-951-1214 Self-Determination Supervisor
SDP Website
March 2025 Edition
North Los Angeles County Regional Center “NLACRC” Office Hours
Monday through Friday: 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Saturday, Sunday, and observed holidays: CLOSED
You can call NLACRC when the office is closed if you have an urgent need that cannot wait for the next business day. If you need immediate assistance please call the main phone number where you are served: San Fernando Valley Office: (818) 778-1900 Antelope Valley Office: (661) 945-6761 Santa Clarita Valley Office: (661) 775-8450 You should contact your Service Coordinator anytime you need help and/or if something has changed in your life. This way, NLACRC can support you with program planning. Service Coordinators are to respond to voicemails or emails within 48-72 hours. If you do not get a response within 48-72 hours, or if the matter needs immediate attention, please contact the Officer of the Day (OD). You may call the main line and ask to be transferred to the OD. The OD Specialist will take your information and help you on your matter. Contacting Your Program Planning Team If you need to get your Service Coordinator’s name or contact information, or if you are in the process of being assigned to a new Service Coordinator, you may call the OD staff. They will give you information about your Service Coordinator or will help get you assigned to one if you do not have one. Please call the main line for the office you are served and ask to be
transferred to the Officer of the Day staff: San Fernando Valley Office: (818) 778-1900 Antelope Valley Office: (661) 945-6761 Santa Clarita Valley Office: (661) 775-8450
SDP Support If you are interested in starting the transition into the Self Determination Program, you must attend an orientation. The orientation will prepare you for the transition process. SDP Orientation Registration is required | REGISTER HERE for SDP Orientation SDP Orientation is the first Monday of each month at 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm and no meetings are held in July or December. Via Zoom Join other participants in the Self Determination Program (SDP) at NLACRC, along with people interested in moving into the SDP, to talk about challenges and successes we are experiencing in SDP at NLACRC. SDP Support Group | Grupo de apoyo de NLACRC para el programa de autodeterminación REGISTER to attend SDP Support Group Meeting Dates: Every 1st Wednesday of the Month 4:30PM-6:30PM via Zoom The Self-Determination Local Advisory Committee (SDLAC) advises NLACRC on the SDP program so that consumers and families have a voice in the development and implementation of the program. If you need interpretation in any other language, please email your request to 14 days prior to the meeting. Self-Determination Local Advisory Committee (SDLAC)
View all upcoming NLACRC Events on our Website Calendar
March 2025 Edition
Quarterly Question
Why is my budget smaller than that of my child's friend? The individual budget is the amount of regional center funding available to you to purchase the services, activities, and items you need to implement your PCP and IPP and ensure your health and safety. The amount is decided by the IPP team and can be adjusted up or down because of a change in circumstances or unmet need.
Everyone is different and has different needs. That's why every participant has an individual budget. Services are based on need. There is no "one size fits all." Budget size should not be compared to that of other participants.
March 2025 Edition
In Focus: DDS Directives
What are DDS Directives?
The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) frequently distributes directives to regional centers that provide guidance and instruction on a variety of policy issues. These directives are in accordance with Welfare and Institutions Code section 4685.8(p)(2), which authorizes the Department of Developmental Services (Department) to issue program directives or similar instructions until regulations are adopted.
All regional center directives are posted here: Regional Center Directives
Self-determination-specific directives can be found at: SDP Program Directives
SDP Website
NLACRC Office Locations Main Office (San Fernando Valley) 9200 Oakdale Ave., Suite 100 Chatsworth, CA 91311 (818) 778-1900
Santa Clarita Valley 25360 Magic Mountain Parkway, Ste 150 Santa Clarita, California 91355 (661) 775-8450
Antelope Valley Office 43850 10th Street West Lancaster, CA 93534 (661) 945-676 1
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