March 2025, SDP Newsletter


SDP Support If you are interested in starting the transition into the Self Determination Program, you must attend an orientation. The orientation will prepare you for the transition process. SDP Orientation Registration is required | REGISTER HERE for SDP Orientation SDP Orientation is the first Monday of each month at 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm and no meetings are held in July or December. Via Zoom Join other participants in the Self Determination Program (SDP) at NLACRC, along with people interested in moving into the SDP, to talk about challenges and successes we are experiencing in SDP at NLACRC. SDP Support Group | Grupo de apoyo de NLACRC para el programa de autodeterminación REGISTER to attend SDP Support Group Meeting Dates: Every 1st Wednesday of the Month 4:30PM-6:30PM via Zoom The Self-Determination Local Advisory Committee (SDLAC) advises NLACRC on the SDP program so that consumers and families have a voice in the development and implementation of the program. If you need interpretation in any other language, please email your request to 14 days prior to the meeting. Self-Determination Local Advisory Committee (SDLAC)



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