King's Business - 1913-06

Note the Corrected Form of Bequest, on Page 3 10


JUNE, 1913

NO. 6


MOTTO: “I the Lord do keep it. I will water it every moment lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day.”—Is. 27:3 THE KING’S BUSINESS .j : R. A. TORREY, Editor J. H. SAMMIS, T. C. HORTON, J. H. HUNTER, Associate Editors Entered as Second-Class matter November 17, 1910, at the postoffîçe at Los Angeles* California, undër the Act of March 3, 1879. Organ o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles [Inc.] Auditorium Building, Cor. Fifth and Olivé, Los Angeles, California.


Lyman Stewart, President. ' T. C. Horton, Superintendent.

Rev. A. B. Prichard,: Vice-President.

J; M.. Irvine, Secretary-Treasurer.

R. A. Torrey, Dean Giles Kellogg. Robert Watchorn. William Thorn.

H. A. Getz. E . A. K. Hackett. S. I. Merrill.

DOCTRINAL STATEMENT. We hold to the Historic Faith of the Church as expressed in the Common Creed of Evangelical Christendom and including: The Trinity of the' Godhead. The Deity of the Christ. The Maintenance of Good Works. The Second Coming of Christ. The Immortality of the Soul. The Resurrection of the Body.

The Personality of the Holy Ghost. The Supernatural and Plenary au­ thority of the Holy Scriptures. The Unity in Diversity of the Church, which is the Body and Bride of Christ. The Substitutionary Atonement. The Necessity of the New Birth.

The Life Everlasting of Believers. The Endless Punishment of the Im­ penitent. The Reality and Personality of Satan.


(4) Spanish Mission. Meetings every night. (&) Shop Work. Regular-services in shops and factories, (6) 'Jewish Evangelism. ' Personal work among the Hebrews. ;-:: (7) Bible Women. House-to-house and neighborhood classes. (8) Oil Fields. A mission to men on the nil fields. ¿A" ,' '.7i (9) Books and Tracts. Sale and dis­ tribution of selected books and tracts.

P u rn o s e The Institute trains, free of r u ijn r a c cost, accredited men and women, in the knowledge and use of the Bible. Departments g> cept Saturdays and Sundays. (2) Extension work. Classes and con­ ferences held in neighboring cities a«d towns. (3) Evangelistic. Meetings conducted by our evangelists.

The King’s Business Voi. 4 JUNE, 1913 No . 6 Table of Contents. Editorials: Observing Days and Months and Times and Years—Wasting Precious Time—Laying the Corner S to n e .................................................................................... 263 The Call of a College Man’s Transformed Life—By his friend—Henry W, Frost .................................................... 265 ■'The Scorn of Job.” (Poem) By William Alexander . . . . 270 Discipline in an African Church. By Lee H. Downing........ 271 Studies in the Gospel According to John (continued). By R. A. Torrey................................................................... 273 The International Sunday School Lessons. By J. H. S .. . . . 283 The Heart of the Lesson. By T. C. Horton........................... 289 Questions and Answers. By R. A. Torrey............................. 292 At Home and Abroad—Among the Ruins of Babylon— John R. Mott in China and Japan............... ....................... 298 Hints and Helps................................................ 303 The Bible Institute of Los Angeles........................................ 306 SUBSCRIPTION RATES . . . FIFTY CENTS A YEAR Published by the Bible In s t itu te of Los A nge les Auditorium Building, Cor. Fifth & Olive Sts.

DOCTOR T ORR E Y SAYS Every Christian Should Own These B E S T BOOKS Known as the Montrose Library No. 1— HOW TO BRING MEN TO CHR IST (121 pages), toy Dr. R. A. Torrey. A book regarded for years as a standard work on dealing with individuals of all classes No. 2—TH E D IV IN E U N IT Y OF TH E SCRIPTURES (304 pages), by Dr. Adolph Saphir. It is a great religious classic. No 3— CHR IST AND T H E SCRIPTURES (142 pages), toy Dr. Adolph Saphir. A companion work to Dr. Saphir’s “The Divine Unity of the Scriptures.” No. 4—T H E H IDDEN L IFE (291 pages), toy Dr. Adolph Saphir. One of the most helpful books in English literature. No. 5—THE WONDERS OF PROPHECY (231 pages), by John Urquhart. A val­ uable introduction to the study of pro­ phecy. No. 6—T H E LORD FROM HEAVEN (134 pages), by Sir Robert Anderson, K. C. B., LL. D. A great contribution to current discussions on the Diety of Jesus Christ.


(183 pages), toy Sir Robert Anderson, K. C. B., LL. D. This is a standard work on the fundamental truths of Christ­ ianity. No. 8—A DOUBTER’S DOUBTS ABOUT SCIENCE AND RELIG ION (144 pages), by Sir Robert Anderson; K. C. B., LL. D. This book discusses the divine origin of the Bible, evolution, and kindred themes. No. 9— TH E GROWING CHURCH ■ (130 pages), by Rev. Cleland B. Mc­ Afee, D.D. ' A study of the Epistle to the Ephesians by a most gifted minister in the Presbyterian Church. No. 10—TH E H IGHER CR ITICISM AND TH E NEW THEOLOGY (250 pages), Edited by Dr. R. A. Tor­ rey. A book containing contributions from most gifted, scholarly, and evan­ gelical men in England and America. No. 11—“SATAN” (163 pages), toy Lewis S. Chafer. This is the most thorough biblical study on Satan with which we are acquainted.

T H E Y ARE T H E VERY CHO ICEST O F ALL CHR ISTIAN L ITERA TURE his Set of 11 Books paper bound now only costs you :

The King’s Business

Voi. 4

JUNE, 1913

No . 6

Wasting Precious Time O NE' of the great evils wrought by “the Higher Criticism” is the appalling waste of time that it has occasioned. Many theological professors and students and many ministers of the Gospel have for years devoted almost all the time that they have given to Bible study to attempted research along the line of “the Higher Criticism.” And what has this tremendous expenditure of time really accomplished? Practically nothing. We are not practically any further ahead than we were thirty years ago. A few years ago the critical school were quite confidently speaking about “established results,” but now every well informed per­ son knows that the results were not established. The critics have at­ tained to no agreement whatever among themselves. Their methods have been entirely discredited by their reaching no settled conclusion after years of most earnest study. Their science' is a science that leads no­ where. It has been thoroughly tried and has utterly failed. We are coming back to the very point that was sufficiently well settled before these studies were begun. We have discovered absolutely nothing new. We have simply wasted our time. If half of the time had been devoted to the discovery of what the Scriptures really taught, that has been devoted to this fruitless search for “the sources” of Scripture, invalhable discoveries would have been made. The only thing that has been learned is the utter futility and foolishness of the methods of literary criticism employed. Satan kept men as long as possible from the study of the Word but when they were at last aroused to the importance of Bible study, he beguiled them into methods of study that he knew would yield no results. For nearly a generation now, our students in universities and collèges have been led by misguided teachers to devote their time to methods of research that cannot yield results. And now there is an organized movement to introduce these barren methods into our Sunday schools and churches. It is hoped that this subtle scheme of the adversary will fail. Let us not waste our time threshing out old straw; it is sufficiently proven that the Bible is the Word of God whoever the human authors of the various books may have been ; let us get down to the study of what God Himself has to say and not waste our precious time in the pursuit of methods of literary criticism that are thoroughly discredited by more than thirty years of utter failure. Observing Days and Months and T imes and Years T HE Apostle Paul entered a vigorous protest in the Epistle to the Galatians against believers being in bondage to the beggarly elements of the Jewish law, in observing days and months and times and years (Gal. 4:1-11). But the Christian church is getting in bondage to a new series of days and festivals. Every minister is pestered with letters and circulars urging him to observe “Hospital Day,” and “Temperance Day”

264 THE KING’S BUSINESS and “Mother’s Day” and no end of other days. If a minister were to pay heed to all the insistent calls that he observe various days, he would have no time left for his proper business of the systematic teaching of the truth of God to believers and the winning of souls to Christ. These various days may stand for most excellent causes, but the having a day for this, that and the other thing is thoroughly inconsistent with the true spirit of the Gospel. The true believer and the true worker has a life not staked out by festivals and ceremonies but a life of freedom, gov­ erned by the indwelling God. In spite of all these appeals, let us stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free. Laying the Corner Stone. A S WE go to press arrangements are about perfected for the laying of the corner-stone of the Bible Institute building on May 31st. It is wonderful to us; but “the good hand of our God has been upon “us.” “All things are possible with God,” and we shall never again despise “the day of smalll things.” The Institute began with small things, but laid in the concrete of faith and hope reinforced by “many ex­ ceeding great and precious promises.” From the beginning the Lord was chosen President, Dean, and Treasurer, and His visible representa­ tives have been, we believe, appointed and graced by Him. And to Him are due the recognition, sympathy, and encouragement shown, us by the churches, ministers, and laymen of our city and vicinity. Following th§ Lord’s plan of operations, and taking Los Angeles for Jerusalem, the work beginning here has extended through Judea and Galilee, to Samaria, and already is penetrating to the uttermost parts of the earth. To fill the outline so sketched will be a labor of love and patience limited only by the ends of the earth and of the age. Large as our plans may be they are inadequate to future needs. Present possibilities cannot be realized without liberal additions to funds now available. If you are eager for the spread of the old and only word of salvation among them that sit in darkness, and for effective counteraction against the many false gospels that have gone out into the world, we urge upon you the opportunity afforded by the Bible Institute. The Church through its regular channels is not supplying the demand for Christian workers. Doors of opportunity are open with none to occupy them. Experience abundantly proves that thousands of men and women around us possess the will, the natural and spiritual gifts for lives of effective service, whose latent talents will never be developed and made available to the Church, unless, foregoing classical, scientific, and philo­ sophic culture, under such guidance and direct Biblical and evangelistic instruction as such an Institute affords they are equipped for hand to hand contact with the unsaved. Multitudes of such have gone forth and approved and commissioned by church boards, home and foreign, are recognized and trusted as efficient and fruitful workers.



The Call of a College Man’s Transformed Life By His Friend—HENRY W . FROST.

[William W hiting Borden w as born in Chicago, November 1, 1887; his father was W illiam BordenT” his mother, Mar de Garmo W hiting Borden. He a tte n d ­ ed as preparatory schools, in Chicago, University School, L atin School, Man­ ual T raining School; and “The H ill School” in Pottstow n. He w as gradu­ ated from T ale University in 1909, and from Princeton Sem inary in 1912. H is death occurred a t Cairo, Egypt, on April 9, 1913.—Editors.] A T CAIRO, Egypt, on April 9 after a two weeks’ struggle against the disease of cerebro­

was a man among a million.” An equally well-known seminary profes­ sor writes, “Dear, dear William—be­ loved and longed for.” Gray-haired ministers mourn as if they had lost a son. And already not a few friends are saying that a book must be writ­ ten which will tell the story of the life spent out and now laid down. Sitting here in William Borden’s room in his home in New York City, in the chair in which he so often sat, before the desk where he so long wrote aifd studied, surrounded by the books which indicate his educational attainments and missionary tastes, in the place made hallowed by his pres­ ence and devotions, and also by the last sacred experiences of his more intimate farwell to friends, sister and mother as he turned outward upon a path from which he was never to re­ turn, I ask myself how it is that this life, which stood at but the threshold of its service, has become so widely known and so universally and deeply mourned. Had he died “an old man and full of years,” we should easily understand. But he died at twenty- five, not much beyond boyhood, and— as some of us thought of him in spite of a dignified presence—still a lad! All this is an unusual experience, and the explanation of it must be unusual. How may we explaiq ?

spinal meningitis, William Whiting Borden fell asleep in Christ. The news of his death was cabled home to America, it was repeated by cable to England and China, it was published with headlines and accompanying por­ trait by the daily press, it is being commented upon sorrowfully by the religious press, it was spoken of in prayers and sermons by prominent pastors, it was made the occasion of memorial services in Cairo, Prince­ ton, New Haven, Chicago, Philadel­ phia, and New York, and it has cast hearts into mourning in the four quarters of the earth. Moreover, these tidings of death have affected many different classes of persons. My little nine-year-old- boy—who speaks of his friend tender­ ly as “Billy”—wonders why Jesus took him home when he loved him so much. His mother’s maid—who lived beside him for seventeen years and describes him as the “purest, truest and tenderest man” she ever knew—goes about her work with tear- dimmed eyes. His school, college and seminary companions speak of him with hushed tones of voice, and won­ der when they shall see his like again. A well-known secretary of a promi­ nent mission board declares that “he



as compared with those lives equally dedicated to God, to have produced such uncommon results. For our souls’ sake it is well that we should know these. It is difficult to analyze spiritual things, especially in connec­ tion with a complex personality, but I would like to make the attempt. A NATURAL LIEE It was a natural life. Some one has said that every Christian needs two conversions: first from the natural to the supernatural, and second from the supernatural back to the natural. But it was not so in William Borden’s case, for, he was thoroughly converted to the supernatural, he was never con­ verted away from the natural. From first to last he remained as God had made him, not trying to be any one else, however, distinguished that one might be, and not thinking that sanctification meant cant or morbid­ ness or denial of the pure and whole­ some pleasures of life. Strong of body, he loved to live. In school, university and seminary he played as other men played, only more vigor­ ously than the average man, and more successfully. I once asked him what exercise he enjoyed most in the university, and he answered at once, “Wrestling.” Football, baseball, ten­ nis, and golf had their attractions for him, and he was a skilful yachtman. In common life he ate heartily, he talked energetically, he argued loyal­ ly. In his devotional life he prayed as simply as a child, and he preached in chapel, in mission, or on the street without the least degree of affection, as a man speaks to a man. A DEDICATED LIEE It was a dedicated life. William’s mother had early brought him under holy influences. Her personal influ-

ITS. SOLUTION CLOSE AT HAND I find its solution close at hand. ' There lies before me on Borden’s desk James H. McConkey’s book, “The Three-fold Secret of the Holy Spirit,” and it bears unconscious testimony to the owner’s life. The copy is taste­ fully bound in buff paper, and, of course, it was originally intact and clean. But now it is torn and soiled without and within. Evidently it has seen many journeys, for it used to be a frequent companion in travel, and it has seen much use, for it has been carefully and repeatedly read. And upon the first page certain words are underscored—a way our dear friend had with all his best-loved books— which are these: “The supreme hu­ man condition of the fulness of the Spirit is a life wholly surrendered to God to do His will.” The thought thus expressed had pierced William Borden’s heart and had taken posses­ sion of his life. He had seen, young as he was, both the duty and*privilege of a Christian, he had made the great decision and had paid the price of a surrendered will, and he belonged wholly to Christ. Hence Christ owned him, controlled him, blessed him, used him. And those whose hearts were true, young and old, rich and poor, humble and high, looked on, wondering, admiring, loving. It is thus that it has come to pass that there is a “grievous mourning” amongst us, for a young prince has fallen in Israel who was sorely needed in waging the battles of the Ford; and hence, not one heart only, but many hearts, are crying out, “Dear William—beloved and longed for!” But the question needs further answering. What was, in fuller de­ tail, this life which William Borden lived that proved so beautiful and winsome ? There must have been un­ common characteristics about it, even



ence over him was profound, and it ever increased as the years went on. Also, it was a great day for him when the mother put her boy in the Hill School at Pottstown, and under the influence of Mrs. John Meigs there, for William often testified—as many another young man has done— that the impression which that conse­ crated life made upon him was deep and lasting. And other great days followed when the mother brought under her roof and into the circle of the family life godly laymen, min­ isters, professors, and missionaries. By all of these means young Borden saw God more and more clearly. He learned that the Christ-life was the reasonable life, and that it alone was perfect and good. Gently, therefore, but surely and positively, he yielded to Christ s claims. Thus the day came in England, after hearing a sermon by Dr. Torrey upon the “Baptism of the Spirit,” that he yielded, with glad and whole-hearted surrender to his Saviour-Lord. From henceforth he could in true and large measure de­ clare, “To live is Christ!” A LIFE OF STEWARDSHIP It was a life of stewardship. From the day William Borden surrendered to Christ he held all that he had as belonging to his Saviour-King. And, as we must count such things in life, he had much to give. The newspapers have exaggerated his wealth, but it remains true that on coming of age he found himself a millionaire. This wealth, however, he did not count his own. His attitude was not that of possessing his money and giving the Lord a tenth. He held the ten-tenths as belonging to God, and what he used for himself he used as His steward. Hence he gave freely, generously, al­ ways all of his interest and sometimes part of his principal. And this he did

thoughtfully and prayerfully. His check-book would reveal tender kind­ nesses innumerable, and a far-reach­ ing liberality that was unimagined. And no one ever received a gift from him who felt that it was spoiled by an accompanying patronage. It was not simply a stewardship generously ful­ filled; it was that better stewardship that did not let the left hand know what the right hand did, and that en­ nobled, not only the giver, but also the recipient. It was a life of faith. William Borden was not emotional. He was the opposite of this. Some persons, because he had the ruggedness of strength, thought that he lacked senti­ ment. Indeed, he himself was tempted to bemoan his spiritual indifference. But he never allowed this supposed lack of emotion to affect his actions. He believed in the God of the Word and in the Word of God. So he searched the Scriptures carefully, prayerfully, and often cried ou t: “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” And when he had found the commandment he obeyed it. This practise of obedience irrespective of feeling was what urged him forward. It took him from school to university, and from university to seminary, with Christian service ever in view. It led him in vacation days and in the midst of summer heat to associate himself with the National Bible In­ stitute of New York City, and to preach on the city streets. It con­ strained him to offer himself to the China Inland Mission for service in China, to turn his face toward Cairo in order to prepare for work among the Mohammedans by the study of Arabic, and to hold it as the hope and ambition of his life to serve in the far- distant province of Kan-suh. With him the obedience of faith was better than the sacrifice of feeling. Daily, hourly, he walked by faith and not



thè carrying out of his designs. But this fact does not explain all, for many of his companions who were equally fortunate did not show any such steadfastness of life. The power of perseverance was within, and it kept him single-eyed and surefooted. He saw his goal, and he ran straight for it without wavering. This led to more than self-control; it made him a man of self-imposed law. He scheduled his life, and lived accordingly. There was a time for sleep, a time for wak­ ing, a time for prayer, a time for Bi­ ble study, a time for general study, a time for recreation, and a time for social intercourse. He owned a “Big Ben” clock, and there was a covenant between himself and it. I have seen him in the evening, in the midst of engaging and enticing company, glance at the time, and then courteous­ ly but resolutely force himself away to room, bed, and sleep. He needed much sleep, for he was not as strong, as he appeared, and his eye was on the next morning, when he purposed to keep the “morning watch.” Thus it was in all things. By God’s grace he was not a slave to life ; he was the master of it, being master of himself. And so it was that he persistently pur­ sued his ideals, and realized many of them. Through one event and an­ other he went forward, going farther and farther on, and higher and higher up. It would be wholly just to put upon his tomb the Spirit’s words: “Steady, until the going down of the sun.” A LIFE OF GOOD JUDGMENT It was a life of good judgment. William Borden had been signally honored for one so young. He was a director of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, a director of the National Bible Institute of New York City, and a council member of the China Island

by sight; and thus he knew much of the victory which overcomes the world. A LIFE W ITH A VISION .It was a life with a vision. Borden had had the privilege, after leaving the Hill School and before entering Yale, of journeying around the world in company with the Rev. Walter Erdman, now of Korea, That journey had opened his eyes. He saw that America was not all; indeed, that it was comparatively a small part. He discerned that heathenism was black, foul, revolting; that the so-called “Eight of Asia” was a myth and a deceit, and that men afar as near needed Jesus Christ. And he never forgot what he saw. Thereafter, whether in play or study, in relaxation or service, he was always looking be­ yond, outward, to the great masses who needed Christ and himself. This was the explanation of what was a seemingly unnatural element in his life, as evidenced, for instance, when he determined to sail for Cairo just before Christmas instead of just after that day. The constraint, born of a compelling vision, was upon him, and led him to press eagerly forward. By faith he saw the regnant Christ, and in remembrance he saw men far away in all their pitiable need. An esteemed friend asked him just before he left for Cairo why he was purposing to throw his life away in foreign service. He answered simply, but firmly: “You have never seen heathenism!” A LIFE OF STEADFASTNESS It was a life of steadfastness. From the time of his decision to be a foreign missionary he never wavered in pur­ pose or pursuit. He had exceptional advantages as compared with many young men, having money to use for



Mission. In these various organiza­ tions he sat and counseled with men much his' senior in years. And yet the disparity of age was seldom no­ ticed. There was an equality of mind which made him one with those with whom he was associated. None could help noticing the freshness of thought and the enthusiasm of spirit that were the characteristics of his youth; and all rejoiced in these. But these were not the signs of immature judgment. When he spoke it was discovered that he was thinking carefully and broad­ ly. He was a constant illustration of the fact that it is no vain thing for a man—even a young man—to fulfil the Apostle’s injunction: “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God.” Christ, through the study of the Word and through prayer, was made unto him “wisdom.” His advice, therefore, was sought for by not a few, who in the average case would have gone to the man of more years. And he sel­ dom failed to help. If he did fail, because of inexperience, his eagerness to be of assistance made him a greater help than the' average man would have been, though more wise through more exeprience. For one so vigorous in mind, he was very teach­ able. And being teachable, he was easily taught. Thus he learned and matured beyond his years and fellows. It was the story of Joseph over again, mentally and otherwise: “The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a pros­ perous man.” . It was a life of love. Some thought, as I have said, that Borden lacked sentiment. And there was some ap­ parent reason for the assumption. He had lived to the age of twenty-five, and was without engagement or ack­ nowledged attachment. Moreover, he calmly and deliberately put thoughts A LIFE OF LOVE

of a married life resolutely aside. One reason why he liked the China Is­ land Mission was that it required its candidates to go to the field single, and to remain thus' while first study­ ing the language; that is, for about two years; and he willingly purposed to fulfil this condition. In addition, as said, he was not emotional, and hence he found it difficult to show his feelings, or even to speak of them. But the person who concluded for any or all of these reasons that William Borden did not lpve knew little about „him or about love. As for his per­ sonal experience, love was sacred, and lay deep within his heart, a hid­ den and sealed fountain; and as for love, according to God’s own esti­ mate of, it, it is made up of obedience and service rather than of aught be­ sides. Moreover, few persons knew Bor­ den well enough to judge whether he did or did not express the love which was within. He certainly did not wear his heart upon his sleeve, and hence it was not seen in public places. But some of us saw him more intimately, under the shadow of his mother’s roof and in the sacred circle of his mother’s family. And those of us who saw that sight will never forget the manly tenderness of all his life. His mother once said to a friend: “Since my husband’s death, he has been to me more of a husband than a son.” And the sister at home, who saw most of him, adored him. Friends clave to him in loyal friend­ ship as only those do who have found a friend indeed. And men of low estate revered him, young as he was, because of his self-sacrificing service in their behalf. THE YALE-HOPE MISSION The Yale-Hope Mission in New Haven, established by his money and his personal efforts, is a monument to



the love of Christ in his heart which would not let men go, and which loved the loveless into loveliness. To this mission he gave thousands of dollars, and, in the midst of university toil, unnumbered nights of self-abnegating service. I once asked an English friend what, had impressed him most in all that he had seen in America. I expected him to speak of our big buildings or the like', but I received this answer: “The sight of William Borden, on his knees in Yale-Hope Mission, with his arm around a bum.” And as for William Borden’s lovg for Christ, it possessed him, con­ strained him, led him away from all that men of his sort hold dear, for­ ward, onward, to Cairo and to death. For if ever a man could truly rep'eat Count Zinzendorf’s well-known say­ ing, it was beloved William Borden: “I have but one passion; it is He, it “If I have eaten my morsel alone,” The patriarch spoke in scorn; What would he think of the Church, were he shown Heathendom, huge, forlorn, Godless, Christless, with soul unfed, While the Church’s ailment is fulness of bread, Eating her morsel alone? “I am debtor alike to the Jew and the Greek,” The mighty Apostle cried, Traversing continents, souls to seek, For the love of the Crucified. Centuries, centuries since have sped; Millions are perishing; we have Bread; But we eat our morsel alone.

is He!” For Christ.he lived, and for Christ he died. And greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his Friend. And so William Borden went from faith to faith, from strength to strength, and from glory to glory. And thus he has finished his course with joy. For him henceforth there is laid up a crown of righteousness which the righteous Judge will give him in that day. For he loved Christ’s appearing, and he will not be ashamed before him at His coming. All, therefore, is well with him. But be­ yond his new-made grave are the ten millions of Christless Mohammedans all is not well with them. Who then will follow William Borden, and go where he sought to lead? This is the questioning call of his life and death. And God wait for a reply. —The Sunday School Times. Ever, of them who have largest dower Shall .heaven require the more: Ours is affluence, knowledge, power, Ocean from shore to shore; And East and West in our ears have said, “Give us, give us, your living Bread;” Yet we eat our morsel alone. “Freely, as ye hath received, so give.” He bade who hath given us all: How shall the soul in us longer live, ■ Deaf to their starving call, For whom the Blood of the Lord was shed, And His Body broken to give them Bread. —If we eat our morsel alone?

The Scorn o f Job ( William Alexander.

/Ær / ^ 4



Discipline in an African Church How the Spirit uses the Word in the Work of Restoration By LEE H. DOWNING—Africa Inland Mission W E ARE beginning the new year with encouraging pros­ pects, Zephaniah 3 :17 is being

that they had gone wrong and wished to confess it, they were permitted to do so. The first to speak was one of the boys who had been dangerously ill a short time before. He said he had promised God then, to live for Him if He would spare his life, and now he had broken his promise. At this point he paused a moment, took his seat and sobbed so as to be heard all over the chapel building. Others were deeply moved by his expression of sorrow, and confessions followed rapidly. When they had finished speaking I remarked that in America when Christians were guilty of gross sin, they were debarred from the communion table for a time. With­ out my saying more, one of the boys exclaimed, “that is what ought to be done in this case.” I then asked how many approved of this penalty and every hand went up. It was also de­ cided that the teachers should be sus­ pended from teaching. Never before had we imposed so severe a penalty for such a slight offense. But noth­ ing could have made them feel their guilt more keenly or have purified the church more thoroughly. The first Sabbath of the new year was the time appointed for re-instht- ing all who manifested real sorrow for their sin and a desire to live for God. All but two were ready to re­ turn and one of these wanted to come but his conscience condemned him. At the close of the evening service, on lifting a book from the pulpit table, I found a note from this boy asking that we pray for him. In it he said,

verified unto u s : “The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; He will save. . . We are rejoicing over the reinstatement of some of our Christians who had been suspended from the church for a time. Last September there was a native dance two miles from here, and many of our Christians went, only to wit­ ness the performance, but even that was forbidden. At the time I was just recovering from a three weeks’ illness which enabled me to speak very tenderly to them. I began by telling them 1 had come back from the borderland of death, a place where things appear in a light different from that in which we see them when we are in health. Two of you, I said, mentioning them by name, have been there and know that this is true. You remember how eager you then were to be separated from everything that dis­ pleased God, and to have your every act witness for Him. But your pres­ ence at the dance was no testimony for Him. Others would say that you were just like them although not par­ ticipating in the play; and no news would spread more rapidly than this; that Christian boys and girls from the Mission were present. For whom were you witnessing while mingling with the people that day, for Jesus or for Satan? I have rarely seen sad­ der faces than those into which I looked when I spoke these words. In closing I told them that if any felt



At the previous mid-week prayer­ meeting, he related the story of the Prodigal Son and applied it, point by point, to himself. The part which seemed to impress him most, was the father’s reception of the son when he returned. His coming out to meet him, and putting on him the ring, and the best robe, and killing the fatted calf. He realized that this was what his heavenly Father was waiting to do for him, and, figuratively, has. since done for him. The young man who was so deeply moved, because of having broken his vow, thanked God in a recent meet­ ing for the mercy He was showing him. His only child had been very ill, and he prayed that his life might be spared, but in his prayer he said, “Lord, he is yours, and you love him even more than we do, so if you want to take him, I will not, object.” But the Lord was pleased to restore the little one, and for this the father’s heart was full of praise. Not long since in giving a testimony he said, “I used to be one of the strongest men in this vicinity, but I then cared noth­ ing for the things of God. Now I have little physical strength, but I have something better. I have God’s strength.” He is one of our best personal workers. One Sunday when unable to walk out to the villages, he moved slowly down to the big path below his hut, and had much blessing in preaching the Gospel to those who passed by. Bigotry is a cross stripped of every­ thing but the nails. An oath is a prayer offered to Satan. “Fight to the finish.”—General Booth. “I desire to burn out in the service of God.”—Henry Martyn. “Let a thousand fall before Africa be given up.”—Velville Cox.

“I cannot understand my own heart; my temptations are many and God only can help me. Pray for me that I may return tonight; I do not want to wait until tomorrow.” By the time I had finished reading the note the last person was passing out of the door and I asked him to call the writer back. He came and we spent almost an hour together. It was a fierce conflict. The principalities and powers were arrayed against us, and were determined not to surrender this soul without a contest. He is our best teacher and the foreman in the printing office. Being a leader he is, therefore, not only useful to God, but also to Satan. I reasoned with him, then prayed for him. He followed in audible prayer for himself so earn­ estly that I was encouraged to pray for him again. Up to this time we had been sitting on seats with our heads bowed, as the chapel has a dirt floor and was very dusty, but at this point he knelt down and I wish you could have heard the prayer he offered. He confessed his sins with­ out reserve, and asked the Lord to give him courage and strength to break away from them all. Then he began to praise the Lord for deliver­ ance. “The pleasures of sin,” he said, “are as nothing in comparison with the joy of thy salvation.” The powers of darkness were repulsed and the whole atmosphere was cleared. When we arose his countenance was radiant with the joy of the Lord. After we separated and were on the way to our respective homes, I could hear him whistling the tune, “I can hear my Saviour calling,” with the chorus, “where He leads me I will follow.” Such experiences are sufficient reward for months of service. His knowledge of Scripture would make you marvel. In prayer he quoted text after text that met his need as precisely as any that I could have found for him.

THE KING’S BUSINESS 273 Studies in the Gospel According to John u By R. A. TORREY [These Studies are for careful study, not rapid and heedless reading] II. The Public Ministry of Jesus Leading Those Who Were of the Truth to Believe in Him as the Christ, the Son of God. Ch. 1:19—12:50. (Continued.)

is the sixth day from the beginning of the narrative part of the Gospel in chapter 1:19. The distance from the place where John was baptizing to Nazareth was about sixty miles, three days’ journey, so the note of time fits exactly into the topographical facts as we know them today. Cana of Galilee is identified with a very small modern village about five miles from Nazareth to the northward, that is, on the way toward Capernaum. Others have sought to identify Cana with a village about nine miles north of Nazareth. In any event our Lord chose a very obscure place for the first manifestation of His glory in miracle working power. There is an old tradition that John himself was the bridegroom, but there is noth­ ing in the story nor in any other his­ toric facts to warrant this conjecture. As Nathanael, the last disciple men­ tioned in the first chapter, was from Cana of Galilee some have thought that he was the bridegroom on this occasion but we are not so told. It is evident, however, from the story that the home was one with which Mary, the mother of Jesus, was on terms of great intimacy. This intimacy of the mother of Jesus with the family may account for the invitation of Jesus and His disciples. As Joseph, the hus­ band of Mary, is not mentioned, it is probable that he was already dead; as it seems quite clear that he was at the close of our Lord’s ministry (ch. 19:27). The mother of Jesus

3. The Testimony of His First Sign to the Lord Jesus, ch. 2:1-11*; Vs. 1. “And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there.” Jesus has already been recognized as “the Son of God” by John the Baptist and his disciples on the ground of the revelation made directly by God to John regarding the nature and mis­ sion of Jesus, a revelation which had been certified visibly to John by the visible descent of the Holy Spirit upon Jesus as His baptism (ch. 1 :33, 34). We now have God’s revelation and Jesus’ claims certified by the manifestation of His glory in His performing a creative act. This first manifestation of His glory was made in the circle of His family, His dis­ ciples, and His immediate acquaint­ ances, and not before the world in general. John describes the time and scene with great minuteness and pre­ cision of detail. The whole story bears everywhere the marks of an eye witness. Our Lord Jesus in the closing verses of the first chapter had revealed His divine glory by a mani­ festation of His omniscence (ch. 1: 47-51). He now reveals His glory by a manifestation of His omnipotence. The note of time, “the third day,” means with a day intervening (ch. Luke 13:32) between what is rec­ orded of Nathanael and what is rec­ orded here; so the day here described

"Copyright, 1913, by R. A, Torrey.



of course, present at every wedding but oftentimes as an uninvited rather than an invited guest. Our Lord’s disciples were invited on His account, and those who would receive Jesus must always be ready to receive His disciples (Matt. 10:40). Jesus’ en­ emies at a later date tried to make capital out of His sociability and called Him “a gluttonous man and a wine bibber” (Matt. 11:19). He was not that but He was of a social turn of mind and a genial disposition. It is no mark of pre-eminent piety to frown upon all light-heartedness and festivity. If we would invite Jesus to all our social gatherings He would be glad to come and would bring with Him a deeper joy than we would know in any other way. He.went to that marriage because He was in­ vited. He is absent from many of ours because He is not invited. Any one who is getting up a social gather­ ing of any kind should be sure to send an invitation to the Lord Jesus. If you think it would be out of place to invite Him to such a gathering you would better not have it. It is well to note in what spirit Jesus attended the marriage. He went to be of use and as a witness to the truth. When we follow Jesus by going to social gatherings, we should always be sure that we follow Him in the spirit in which and the purpose for which He went. V. 3. “And when they wanted wine (rather, when the wine failed), the mother of Jesus saith unto Him, They have no wine.’’ The need of Jesus was felt “when the wine failed.” In all earthly experiences, the wine fails sooner or later and then it is we feel our need of Jesus. What the Lord Jesus had done up to that time we are not told, but now He steps forward as the Needed One. It was good for them that the wine failed for they got better in its place; and

is not here mentioned by her name, Mary, nor is she so mentioned any­ where in John’s Gospel. She has not appeared before in this Gospel and will not again until the crucifixion. V» 2. “And both Jesus was called (rather, And Jesus also was bidden), and His disciples, to the marriage!’ God in the beginning had instituted marriage (Gen. 2:18-24) and now He honors and adorns it by His presence at a marriage feast in the person of His Son. The Bible nowhere counte­ nances the monastic notions that treat marriage with a measure of contempt (cf. Heb. 13:4; 1 Tim. 4:1, 3)._ It is a fact full of the deepest signific­ ance that our Lord performed His first miracle at a marriage feast. The tense used in the first,clause of the verse shows that it was upon His re­ turn from His visit to John the Bap­ tist that our Lord was invited to this marriage feast. And now for the first time the little group that He had gathered around Him from the disci­ ples of John (ch. 1 :35, 37) are called “His disciples.” That home in Cana of Galilee did well to invite Jesus to their marriage feast: He saved the oc­ casion from disaster. And we would do well to invite the Lord Jesus to all our marriage feasts. The intimacy of Jesus mother with the household presumably led to the invitation of Jesus and His disciples, but it must have been a pious home or they would not have invited such guests. Na­ thanael might have been invited be­ cause of his personal acquaintance with the family *(John 21:2). By our Lord’s accepting the invitation, He showed plainly that He came not to abolish but to sanctify festal occa­ sions. There is a wide gulf between asceticism and Christianity. He was already aware that He was on His way to the cross (vs. 19-21) but He sought to throw no gloom over the proper festal joys of this earth. He is,



it is good for us when the earthly wine fails for then we feel our need of and seek to get the wine of the kingdom. It was Jesus’ mother who thought of going to Him in this emergency. She knew Him better than any one else, and it is those who know Him best who are quickest to go to Him. She had never seen Him perform a mir­ acle; indeed, he had never performed one; but she knew that He could help out of any difficulty and do whatever it might be necessary to do. Any way how could she possibly go to any one else when He was at hand. She was a woman of great faith. All Mary did was simply to make her want known. She simply said, “They have no wine.” She took it for granted that if Jesus knew that anybody was in trouble, He would help them out. She knew Him well. The unexpected arrival of Jesus and His group of disciples may have led to the supply of the wine proving insufficient and that would have made it all the more natural to apply to Him for removal of the difficulty. Mary’s simply stating the need without any definite request for help, suggests what the other Mary and her sister Martha did when they were in dire distress over the sickness of their brother (ch. 11:3). It has been suggested by many com­ mentators that Mary, by her words, was suggesting to Jesus that the time had come for Him to perform a mir­ acle and thus manifest His glory, and that she thus took an authority upon herself to which she had no claim, but this does not appear in what John says; and is hardly likely as Jesus never had performed a miracle up to this time. But there is a suggestion in our Lord’s reply that Mary had gone beyond her. rights and needed to be brought to a realization of her true relation to Him and His relation to her. Quite likely she had heard of the manifestations that took place in

connection with His baptism, and of John’s testimony to Him, and realized that He was about entering upon His public ministry and she may have ex­ pected that there would be a fuller manifestation of His glory, and there is a possible suggestion to Him that now the time has come to manifest i t ; but even this is not clear. All that is certain is that she realized that there was a need and she also realized that Jesus was the One, and the Only One, who could supply every need, and in the extremity she turned to Him. V 4. "(And) Jesus saith unto- her, Woman what have I to do with thee. Mine hour is not yet come.” Mary seemed to get but little present satis­ faction. The time had come when the Lord Jesus must bring Mary to see their true relations to one another and in doing this, He seemingly gave her a rebuff. We too do not always get immediate satisfaction when we make our needs known to Him. There may be in our case, as there was in Mary’s, some mistake in our way of approach, which He would have us learn and lay to heart, or there may be some other loving reason why it is not wise for Him to grant our re­ quest at once. This does not by any means prove that it is not His will to grant the thing asked. There was none of that harshness in our Lord’s words to Mary that there seems to be in our English ren­ dering of it. According to Greek us­ age there is not the slightest sugges­ tion of reproof or severity in the use of the word “woman.” This mode of address Was one of courteous re­ spect. It was used in addressing fe­ males of the highest rank—queens were thus addressed.. There is not only courteous respect in the use of this term but also tenderness. Our Lord used this same term in speaking to His mother in one of the tenderest moments of His life, when on the

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Lord says here that it is most unwar­ rantable folly to think that Mary can interfere with Him in heaven, or in any sense dictate or even suggest what He shall do. At this point in the history of God incarnate, our Lord Himself makes it clear that the ties which had hitherto bound Him to Mary as His earthly mother were to give way to higher obligations and that every movement must be deter­ mined from this time on by the coun­ sels of the will of God who was His Father in a far deeper and more abid­ ing sense than Mary was His mother. Only one will would have the slightest consideration in His conduct, that was, the will of the Father (cf. ch. 6:38). While Jesus declined to be gov­ erned even by a suggestion from His mother, He gently explained to her the reason. The meeting her request involved, though very likely she did not know it, the performance of a miracle, and the due time for the be­ ginning of His work and the conse­ quent manifestation of His glory had not yet come, though the time to per­ form the miracle came very shortly. The expression “Mine hour” means the hour for His work that should be a revelation of His glory (cf. ch. 7 :6; 12:23). The expression is most fre­ quently used in connection with His death and the glory that followed it (ch. 7:30; 8:20; 12:23; 13:1; 17:1). We shall see shortly that though our Lord refused the jurisdiction of Mary He granted her request. V. 5. “His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.” Evidently Mary was not at all put out by His answer. Possibly she was encouraged by the “not yet,” which implied that the hour might come at any moment. In any event, she showed a persistency of faith that is well worthy of imitation by us all (cf. Matt. 15:22-28). Doubtless there was much in the look and tone

cross He was committing her to the care of His beloved disciple (ch. 19:26, 27.) He used it also in ad­ dressing Mary Magdalene when He would comfort her in her great sor­ row (20:15). But while there was no discourtesy, but the utmost tender­ ness, in the way in which Jesus spoke these words, He did bring clearly into view the fact that the hour of Mary’s authority over Him had come to an end. At a much earlier date He had suggested to her that His obligation was to His heavenly Father, not to His earthly mother (Luke 2:49). But at that time, after making this pass­ ing suggestion, He went home and was subject to her and to Joseph (Luke 2:51). But now the time had come, and Mary must know it, when He must receive all His orders direct­ ly from God, and from no human source, not even from her that bore Him. Mary had not as yet clearly learned her exact relation to her di­ vine Son but she must learn it now. Our Lord by His words here disen­ gaged Himself from every merely hu­ man relation (cf. Luke 11:27, 28; Mark 3 :31-35). There is a wide gulf between the conception of the rela­ tion of the Virgin Mary to our Lord Jesus that is given us in the inspired record here and that which teaches that even on His mediatorial throne Jesus is to be approached through the Virgin Mary, and that she has a cer­ tain sort of authority over Him still, and that He will do as she directs. Our Lord seems to have anticipated the error so wide-spread today which is summed up in the phrase “Mary, the mother of God,” and therefore He avoids the term “Mother” though He uses a tender and courteous one. On the cross He said to John in speaking of Mary, “Behold thy mother,” but in no place in the. Bible is it recorded that He ever spoke of her as “My mother.” It is evident from what our

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