King's Business - 1913-06

THE KING’S BUSINESS At Home and Abroad


Mr. Blackstone and a Euphratean Audience.

Among the Ruins of Babylonia From W. E. Blackstone. [W. E. Blackstone, author of th a t widely known and convincing compen­ dium of Messianic promise, “Jesus Is Coming,” Is in the Orient, representing the D istribution Fund, founded by Milton Stew art, and affiliated w ith the Bible House of Dos Angeles, the object of which is the distribution of the Scrip­ tures to Israel and- the Chinese. Mr. Blackstone in the course of his m ission

from a letter dating from his steam er description of his visit to Babylon and

has been in the E uphrates valley, and on the Tigris river we print, in part, i vicinity.—Editors. ]

Koldeway has traced two miles and a half east, to a corner, and thence back again to the south corner of the Euphrates. The portion west of the Euphrates has been all destroyed and completely uprooted by the changing bed of the river. As I read the Scripture about Babylon, in Jeremiah, Isaiah and Revelation, and realized afresh the evidence that this great city must be rebuilt, because it has never been destroyed ‘like a stone thrown in the sea’ and other unfulfilled prophecy concerning it, I thanked God for the privilege I was en­ joying. “Yes, here I am on the very ground and

“At last we espied the first great ruin of Babylon, an immense mound in the north­ ern corner of the city. It is said to be one of Nebuchadnezzar’s great palaces, in which Alexander died. These mounds loom up over the desert for a great distance and it was still a long ride to it. But when near enough I determined to visit it at once. So Shamu and I left the arabana and tramped across the plain, through the dry canals, one of which was very large and difficult to cross, coming finally to immense masses of surrounding ruins, which I afterward learned were the ruins of the great wall of the city, the foundations of which Dr.

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