King's Business - 1913-06

Dr. TORREY ’S BOOKS Dr. Torrey’s books are probably more widely read than those of any other writer on religious subjects of the day. They have been translated into more than twenty different languages. No minister or Christian worker c“ afford not to read^hem The Book Room of thé Bible Institute makes a special effo to carry alï toes“ books, and they can be had at list prices. They are as follows: W HA T T H E BIBLE TEACHES. A book of 535 pages, taking up all the great^truths taught in the Bible and as taught in the Bible Tins book is used as a text book in many Bible Institutes and other inst' tu^ ons- lt 18 thG thnrnns-h studv of Bible doctrine in existence. Price HOW TO WORK FOR CHR IST. A book of 518 pages, being a thorough compendium of all aggressive methods of Christian work, and sho™ g ^ to construct and deliver sermons, how to teach the Bible, etc. .This is proD ably the most practical and comprehensive book in existence on Methods of Christian work Price ^ 5 0 . This is a book on Christian evidences taking up especiaUy toe proof of the Resurrection of Christ and the proof t w fhe Bible is the Word of God. This book has been very helpful to min- iste^thand students in this age of doubt, and has led many out of Skepticism anT lgnostfcism into faith and out of Unitarianism in all its forms into ortho- ^ R E V ’ÎVAL ADDRESS e T ' t S book gives some of the most effective ad­ dresses that Dr Torrey delivered in his evangelistic tour around the wor . S e a d re sse s have been blessed to the conversion of hundreds of thou- sands Price cloth îLOO. APaPerw^ COLE.H EARTED SERVICE. This is. the second volume of the revival addresses given by Dr. Torrey through Great “ HOW TO mSTUDY T H E B IBLE F O E T H S GREATEST PROFIT. This is perhaps'The most comprehensive book in existence on methods of Bible study. ° 10tHOW TO BRING MEN TO CHR IST. A text book on the use of the Bible id P ~ ^ ° rLk-w glGtKh 75TChisBs T la te Cr and larger and more thorough work on p^rsonal^worktoan How to Bring' Men to Christ It is the first part of ‘‘How to^V orkp^^g^ri^^'j^>jgI1^ ^ Sof)^ti^efuilest^

ADDRESS A LL ORDERS TO Bible Institute Book Room, Auditorium Building, Los Angeles

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