Risk Services of Arkansas - October 2018


those habits going forward. Teach them to practice pre- and post-driving inspections every day to emphasize the need for safety. Take some time on that first day to walk them through your expectations about driving habits. Sit in the passenger’s seat with them while they go on their first drive. Coach them through their daily routine, rather than relying on them to read your employee handbook cover-to-cover. Lastly, require all of your employees to follow the relevant laws. Keep track of your employees. Drivers are human, which means some of them may forget when it is time for them to renew their licenses. If you establish a tracking system for deadlines, there’s a smaller chance of missing the renewal time. Furthermore, keep track of employee credentials and update their training periodically. Even veteran drivers need refreshers on how to maintain road safety and compliance with laws.

On the road or at a job site, your drivers and workers are the face of your company, which makes them responsible for minimizing potential disasters or risks. Follow these simple rules to help you prepare, equip, and manage your drivers in order to protect your company from unnecessary risk. Set the expectations in the first interview. Everyone is struggling to find employees, but hiring someone just to fill a position puts your company and your clients at risk. When weeding out candidates, look for those with driving experience or those who have training. Drug tests can also help you select viable candidates. Follow the U.S. Department of Transportation’s guidelines for testing to ensure your company is compliant with regulations. Foster good habits. A new employee is moldable. If they start their first day understanding your company’s emphasis on safety, they will continue

Learn more about how you can prevent disasters in your trucking or driving business by calling Risk Services/Insurica at 501.666.6653.


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