RISE25 - December 2020


1110 Mar West Street Tiburon, CA 94920 773-570-0594 rise25.com

Inside This Edition

1. 2. 3.

New Year, New Network

Your List Is Your Greatest Weapon

Tactics for Making the Best Business Choices

What Christmas Trees Look Like Worldwide


Avoid These 2 Mistakes for 2021 Sales Success

The 2 Biggest Mistakes You Can Make When Setting Sales Goals for 2021

Regardless of how 2020 treated your business, 2021 is fast approaching, and this past year is about to become a closed chapter. It’s time to examine both the bad and the good that happened in 2020 and set tangible sales goals for 2021. Just be sure you don’t fall into these two traps. Mistake No. 1: Making Your Goals Unrealistic Setting an unrealistic goal for each quarter is sure to lead to failure. The trick is to push the limits of what has been done without settling on a number that is completely unachievable. Remember, if your team begins to exceed expectations, you can adjust and increase your goal! It’s far better to overachieve than to underperform. Finding that perfect goal number means that sales leaders will have to sort through a lot of data. Rely on

both external and internal data to develop an understanding of the sales outlook for 2021. What do the 2020 numbers forecast for your business? What kinds of services or products are the most popular? What’s the forecast of the economy or your industry? These questions can guide you as you set your goals. Mistake No. 2: Failing to Plan Properly You will not accomplish the goals you’ve set for yourself and your team if you don’t provide the steps to get there. Pull information from industry leaders as well as your sales team, workers on the floor, and marketing managers. Your employees have valuable viewpoints on your business, while outside forces shift your view from internal to external. With this combined information, hash out a plan with your sales team. Don’t leave the Zoom meeting until you have tangible steps in place.

A plan is only as good as its execution, and when there’s no opportunity to prepare, it will undoubtedly fail. Your quarterly and yearly sales goals for 2021 should be set now so that your team has ample time to prepare. This will allow for additional training or discussions about proper tactics and strategies for marketing and selling your business to targeted customers. Before you know it, 2020 will be in the past. Don’t forget to make tangible sales goals and a plan for 2021 before it’s too late.


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