Petersen Pet Hospital - December 2023

Meet Lu Dr. McGinty Helped a Old Girl With Her Sple

SUBWAY’S Advice Alley

No More Pain From Osteoarthritis!

Lucy is a very happy 12-year-old spayed female black Labrador retriever we all absolutely love seeing in the clinic. In May 2020, as part of her routine senior monitoring, her owner wanted to be proactive

and opted to perform abdominal X-rays at the time of her teeth cleaning. Knowing older Labradors are prone to changes to their organs that can be seen on X-rays, her owner wanted to be sure if anything was abnormal, we could address it early. At the time, the

Hey everyone! It’s your pal Subway here with another essential tip to help you and your furry friends. A few months ago, we told you about the amazing pain reliever Solensia and how it helped my fellow feline, Richard Parker, get a little pep back in his step. Now, I’m here to tell you about another pain reliever called Librela that you should know about, and this time, it’s for your canine companions struggling with osteoarthritis! Have you noticed that your dog has started to limp after going for a run or even a walk? Does your pup fall so far behind on your walks that they pull back on the leash? Are they having trouble getting into the car, climbing stairs, or standing up after a lengthy nap? If you answered yes to any of these questions, your dog could benefit from using Librela.

radiologist and Dr. McGinty noted a small mass in her abdomen associated with her spleen. To further evaluate this change, Dr. Saunders performed an ultrasound to get a better 3-D view of the spleen, kidneys, liver, intestines, and other abdominal structures. A small nodule was noted on her spleen that was most consistent with a benign (non-cancerous) mass.

Librela is the first and only monthly pain injectable for dogs with osteoarthritis. Your friends at Petersen Pet Hospital will take care of the injection for you, so you don’t have to worry about shaky hands (or paws) at home! The injection goes under the dog’s skin, and you’ll start noticing improvements in your dog’s pain levels within the first couple of weeks after the initial injection. Other medicinal options for dogs with osteoarthritis aren’t always ideal, especially if administered orally. Pain can affect a dog’s mood, appetite, and bond with their owner, meaning getting them to take an oral supplement might be challenging. Thankfully, Librela gives dogs a better solution to their osteoarthritis, allowing them to increase their activity levels and improve their overall quality of life. Those who read our cover article learned all about my friend Jim. You’ll be pleased to hear that Jim has recently started taking Librela to help with his pain and will soon be running around the house like he did when he was a puppy!

Over the next three years, we continued to monitor Lucy’s spleen closely by performing an ultrasound every six months and running annual senior bloodwork. On an evening in April 2023, Lucy’s owner noticed that she was suddenly acting uncomfortably, pacing, and having a hard time finding a comfortable way to relax. She was also turning her nose up at her favorite treats. This set off

If you want to help your canine companion escape osteoarthritis pain, call our office today to schedule an appointment and learn more about Librela.

an alarm for her owner, and they brought her in right away the next day


Contact us! 319-743-0554

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