Monthly Publication o f the BIOLA FELLOWSHIP
TheBible lastitnteHonr Areas & Station Dial Location
I B X O L A b roadcaster Monthly Publication of the BIOLA FELLOWSHIP Vol. 2 No. 4
Time Days
Bakersfield-Wasco KAFY
7:30 A.M. Sun. 10:30 A.M. MTWTF 9:30 A.M. MTWTF
101.5 (FM)
1050 1290 1130
Chico-Marysville KHSL Fresno-Dinuba KRDU Los Angeles KBBI
8:30 A.M. Sun. 9:30 A.M. MWF
8:30 A.M. MTWTF 9:00 A.M. MTWTF 11:00 A.M. MTWTF 12:30 A.M. MTWTF 9:00 A.M. MTWTF
107.5 (FM)
KTYM 1460 Los Angeles-Long Beach KGER 1390 KGER 1390 Los Angeles-Burbank KBLA 1490 Oxnard-Ventura-Santa Barbara
THE TEST? ........................................... 3 GEMS OF WISDOM ............................... 6 EVOLUTION IN THE LABORATORY ..................................... 7 AGES OF TH E ROCKS OR THE ROCK OF AGES .....................11 "I LOVE TO TELL THE STORY" „14 THE W AY TO ABIDING PEACE ..„1 6 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ............19 THE BIOLA FELLOWSHIP PLAN „21 PRAC TICA LITY OF CHRISTIAN LIVING .......................22 EVOLUTION AND OUR SCHOOL TEXTS ............................. 25 A CA LL TO PRAYER ...........................28 THE FRUITS OF GODLESS EVOLUTION ..............2 9 CHRISTIAN PATRIOTS ...................... 32 Cover: Alpha Omega Productions 9:00 P.M. K G O Monday through Friday V 50,000 watts 810 kc STAFF President ....... S. H. Sutherland Editor ........................Ruth D. Gill Supervision ..Thomas E. Steele Production ................AI Sanders Printing ..................Church Press Published monthly by the Radio Dept. BIBLE IN STITU TE OF LOS ANGELES 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Cal. Controlled circulation postage paid at Los Angeles, California.
KOXR Sacramento KEBR
910 8:30 A.M. MWF
10:30 A.M. MWF
Redding-Red Bluff KQMS San Bernardino KFXM
1400 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 590 7:30 A.M. Sun. 860 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 860 8:15 P.M. MTWTF 910 7:30 A.M. Sun 1100 8:45 A.M. MTWTF 10:30 A.M. MTWTF 810 9:00 P.M. MTWTF 9:00 P.M. MTWTF 1440 7:00 A.M. Sun. 1390 1:00 P.M. MWF OREGON 790 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 790 3:00 A.M. MTWTF 1350 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 630 8:30 A.M. MWF 800 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 550 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 630 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 1330 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 1330 5:30 P.M. MTWTF
San Diego XEMO XEMO KDEO San Francisco KFAX
97.3 (mc)
KGO-FM 103.7 (mc)
Santa Maria KCOY Turlock KCEY
Albany-Eugene KWIL Ashland-Medford KRVC Coquille-Coos Bay KWRO KWIL
Portland KPDQ KPDQ
93.7 (FM)
Blaine-Vancouver,, B.C. KARI Seattle-Tacoma KGDN
Walla Walla KTEL
Billings, Montana KURL Caldwell-Boise KBFM
730 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 910 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 990 8:30 A.M. Tues.-Th»
94.1 (FM)
Denver KLIR
Lapeer, Michigan WMPC Miamisburg, Ohio
1230 3:30 P.M. Tues.
10:00 P.M. MTWTF
93.7 (FM)
Pueblo-Colorado Springs KFEL
970 8:30 A.M. MWF 1280 3:00 P.M. MTWTF 1490 9:00 A.M. MTWTF
Phoenix KHEP Tuscon KAIR
I v w l •
E v e r s in c e the publication of Charles Darwin’s “The Origin of Spe cies” — in 1859 — the theory of Evo lution has been the subject of critical investigation in nearly every field of science. The theory of organic evolution has been defined as an hypothesis that millions of years ago lifeless matter, acted upon by natural forces, gave ori gin to one or more minute living or ganisms which have evolved into all living and extinct plants and animals, including man. The theory of evolution has to do with the origin of life and the origin of species, and should not be confused with the ordinary development or na tural history of living plants and ani mals which we see around us, and which is an entirely different pheno menon.
A. modified form of this hypothesis, known as Theistic evolution, has been advanced 'by some in an attempt to reconcile the atheistic theory of evo lution with modernistic theology. Ac cording to this view, God created all living things by, or through, a process of evolution. But such teaching is in compatible with the history of the fall of man and his need for redemption through Jesus Christ. There are three stages in evolution— 1. The development of life from the inanimate 2. The development of higher forms from lower ones 3. The development of man. Some of those who hold the theory of Theistic evolution, limit the pro cess of evolution to the second stage only <— that is the development of (Continued on next page) 3
their supposed ancestors have ever been discovered in the paleontological rec ord. The earliest fossils of these exhi bit, fully developed, all the features that distinguish the group to which they belong. Were the theory true, innumerable intermediate forms would inevitably have been found. As a mat ter of fact, the transitional forms ought not to consist of species at all, but simply of individual forms, shading into each other like the colors of the spectrum, but this is not the case. The fact that not a single fossil has been found of any of these hypotheti cal intermediaries, yields almost cer tain fact that such intermediaries have never existed. It is interesting to compare Dar win’s prediction with that of the per iodic law of chemical elements. More than seventy years ago, Darwin confi dently predicted that the rocks would yield fossils of half-formed men and whales, etc., but such remains have never been discovered although the search for them has been carried on and greatly intensified over almost the entire surface of the earth. On the oth er hand, the formulators of the period ic law of chemical elements were able to specify the properties and approxi mate atomic weights of elements which were then unknown, but nearly all of which have since been discovered. Darwin’s prophecy has never been ful filled, but during the past fifty years the predictions made in regard to the periodic law have been vindicated in every instance. True science and the Bible certainly do agree. About thirty years ago Dr. George Nutall, of Cambridge University, con ducted a series of experiments, the re sults of which were supposed to have shown by means of a blood precipita tion test, that certain species were close ly related to each other and that in these relationships there was to be found confirmation of the evolutionary hypothesis. In regard to these tests, however, it is to be noted that they could not be accepted as a test of genet ic relationship for the blood serum alone was used in conducting the ex- 4
EVOLUTION (continued) higher forms from the lower forms. God created a living substance first. This leaves one in a precarious posi tion in admitting one or two thirds of such a theory. If one accepts the sec ond stage of evolution as true, then logically the other stages must follow. The only tenable position to hold would be that of accepting all three or none of them. True science and the Bible do not stand in need of being reconciled; they are in agreement. The problem arises when religious leaders or teachers try to reason away Biblical fact to meet the fancies of what the Apostle Paul defines as “science falsely so called” -— (I Timothy 6:20). The theory of evolution — and Web ster correctly defines a theory as “spec ulation” or even “a guess” — states that things are progressively building up. But how can true facts be avoided? It is known that the higher elements, such as radium, are continually break ing down to form lower ones by a pro cess of disintegration. The reverse pro cess of synthesizing, or building up of higher elements from combination of lower ones, does not occur in nature as far as is known. It is interesting to note at this point the evidence of modern surgery in re gard to the theory of recapitulation in evolution. Prof. Rendel Short, noted British surgeon of Bristol University, states that “the surgery of deformities lends no support to the theory of de scent from ape or monkey. One would expect that there would be frequent ‘throw backs,’ recalling the character istics of an ancestor. What are the com mon congenital defects? Harelip, cleft palate, webbed fingers, club feet, six toes, yet none of these are characteris tic of apes. We never see the afore said projecting muzzle, the thumblike great toe, nor the huge canine teeth, nor the absence of chin. The human embryo is never ape-like.” Moreover, no intermediate or tran sitional forms between the highly pe culiar species such as whales, seals, sea-cows, t u r t l e s , bats, etc., a n d
ogist, states that “an organ which in creases in length until the twentieth year, or even until the fiftieth year, does not merit the name ‘vestigial’.” Vestigial means a visible sign left by something no longer in existence. Hence evolutionists refer to vestigial organs. It is interesting to note that monkeys have no appendix. The muscles of the outer ear in man ¡are sometimes referred to as an out standing example of vestigial remains. Although these structures do not serve the usual purpose of muscle tissue, namely, that of contraction, thev are nevertheless useful in providing facil ities for increased blood supply to the organ, thereby diminishing the danger of freezing, et cetera. Muscle is more than simply a contractile organ; it serves as a storehouse for body chemi cals and is actively concerned in metab olism. Without some muscle formation in its structure, the nutrition of the outer ear might be seriously impaired. While we are still in this field of examples, we would like to note the fact that one book, used widely in high schools, states, “There are more than 200 vestigial organs in the human body. These definitely show the rela tion to remote ancestors.” Another com ment by evolutionists is relative to the little fold in the inside corner of the eye. This is said to be a remnant of the third eyelid. Some reptiles have a third eyelid and to some evolutionists this is “positive” proof linking us to the world of reptiles. Now this small fold has several uses, one of which is to fill in that comer of the eye. This special tissue also helps to regulate the flow of tears. How great are the ex tremes to which some folk will go to avoid believing the Bible to be the Word of God! As a Christian you need not apolo gize for God’s Word — it will stand! The great need is to pray for those who have been ensnared by Satan to attempt the destruction of His Word as the final authority. As a student, study and teach the truth in Christian love — do not become obnoxious or suffer the loss of your temper.
periments, and the primary factors of heredity do not lie in the blood serum, but in the germ cells. If anything were to be learned from the phenomenon of blood relationship it would be seen most strikingly in the results of blood transfusion, using the whole blood. When this is carried out we find that frequently brothers and sisters in the same family belong to different blood groups, so that the blood of one injected into the other might cause fatal results. Obviously this does not prove that one of them is not a member of the human race. Judged on such a basis of reaction to the injection of whole blood it has been found that eels are closely related to baby rabbits but not to adult ones; bats are related to porpoises, and goats to whales, although these species are widely separated in the evolutionary scale. Again, the blood serum of a rab bit may be injected into man without harm while that of an ox would be very dangerous, yet, from an evolu tionary point of view, the ox is near er to man than the rabbit. The evolutionists hold that many structures found in man, and in the higher forms of life, are believed to be the remains of organs which were once required by our ancestral forms, but which are no longer essential to the organism and are gradually disappear ing in the species. Examples of such are the appendix, the lower extremity of the spine, and the muscles of the outer ear. But the conclusions drawn from the facts observed are without warrent, for no organ in the body is useless although its function may not be fully determined at the present time. The number of these so-called use less vestigial structures was original ly given as approximately 180. With the advance in our knowledge of phy siology the number has already dimin ished to about 6. The appendix, rich in lymphoid tis sue, as are the tonsils, probably serves as a protective organ against infec tion, especially during early life. Sir Arthur Keith, noted British anthropol
gems o f wisdom from “The Bible Institute Hour”
FOR MANY YEARS London Airport authorities have been trying to scare away seagulls from the landing field. They have tried to use noises horns, bells, air blasts, and other in ventive ideas but with no lasting success. A news item, however, now reports they have, at last, hit upon a successful idea, that of using a re cording by a popular “Rock and Roll” singer over a public address system. According to London Air port officials the gulls take off and remain away for 2.4 hours. Would it be facetious to say that, at least, here the Rock and Roll soloist really “sends them.” Well, seriously, there are all sorts of sounds in the world today. Sounds which will be playing upon your mind, bidding for your attention. Tunes, words, thought pictures . . . many unseemly, are bidding, but may our hearts be so tuned to hear the Heavenly Voice that we will not be distracted by the things of this earth. Now we can do this as the songwriter suggested by, “turning our eyes upon Jesus, looking full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.” * * * "You may whitewash yourself but only God, through His grace, can wash you white." * * * AN ACCOUNT WAS WRITTEN about a project conducted by inmates of an Ohio penal institution. O d d l y enough, they set up a business of making caskets. A brochure had been prepared by the men setting forth the advantages of their prod uct. One point especially advertised was that each of the caskets was
equipped with a safety catch. Pick ing up the story, one reporter asked -— safety catch — what for? No one seemed to know for sure, but thinking of life after death someone added, “It seemed like a good idea.” The Bible rightly asks, “How shall we escape if we neglect so great sal vation?” God’s safety catch is simply this, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” For you, death will become a “good night” on this earth, but a “good morning, the dawning of a new day in Glory.” * “ It is the Christianity we live, not the Christianity we possess, that the world is looking for." * * * WHILE RIDING ON A LOS ANGELES FREEWAY, just at dusk, we were startled by a strange sight that we had never seen before. The news paper next morning told of the mis sile that had been shot into the atmosphere from Vandenburg Air Force Rase in central California. /4s a taxpayer,' your attention has been drawn to items telling of the tre mendous cost of these operations. Many times these missiles misfire and thousands, even millions of dol lars, go up in smoke. A Director of one of the testing plants stated that often these failures are caused by insignificant parts costing only 25$. So we find in our spiritual lives that the great cost of failure there is due to some small, unconfessed sin — “the little foxes that destroy the vines.” A strange failure on our part when Christ stands so faithful and just to forgive us our sins. 6 * *
K e c e n t in v e s t ig a t io n s have shown that by treating certain plants with a particular chemical a mutation of the species is produced. Experiments have shown that these mutations will continue to reproduce indefinitely un der controlled or laboratory conditions. This fact is accepted by some observ ers as irrefutable evidence of the theo ry of evolution, it being assumed that such mutations would lead to the de velopment of new species. Mutations have also been produced by means of X-rays and other methods. It has been presumed that such mutations occur spontaneously throughout nature and that from such beginnings new species are ultimately evolved. These claims are, however, unwar ranted, for such mutations could never survive if left to the elements in their natural state. As the late President David Starr Jordan, of Leland Stanford Universi ty, has so well expressed this truth: “A form inaugurated through change of surroundings, through persistent selec tion and segregation, or through hy bridization, is not a ‘species’ until it
can hold its own with the rest. None of the created ‘new species’ of plant or animal I know of would last five years in the open, nor is there the slightest evidence that any new spe cies of field or forest or ocean ever originated from mutation, discontinu ous variation or hybridization.” Mutations are freaks and only under controlled conditions is it possible to preserve such biological monstrosities indefinitely. This, of course, does not detract from the economic value of such developments. The reason why such mutations could not survive under natural conditions is because, as Prof. Sewall Wright of Chicago says, “the one systematic effect of mutation seems to be a tendency toward degenera tion.” Realizing the inherent tendency to degeneration in all mutations, the only question would be whether there is any evidence that mutations have ever in the past survived under natural con ditions. It would be only reasonable to suppose that the surviving mutations would ultimately develop into new (Continued on next page) 7
"Johnny's Visitor"
EVOLUTION (continued) species by a process of evolution. Charles Darwin and his followers sought in vain for evidence of the transmutation of one species into an other throughout the whole realm of natural history. But Darwin had to admit that “when we descend to de tails we can prove that no one species has changed . . . nor can we prove that the supposed changes are bene ficial, which is the groundwork for the theory.” This same search continues but without success. The history of life on the earth, as revealed in the geological record, is therefore the deciding factor. No ar tificial juggling of plant or animal life under controlled or laboratory con ditions can do away with the infalli ble record of the rocks. Neither fossils nor other geological studies show any evidence of mutations by natural means. As a matter of fact, the creation of mutations by means of chemical ac tion is only an exaggeration, by means of artificial stimulation, of a phenome non well recognized in nature which is known as polyploidy — this is when chemicals are induced to make plants of unusual size or vigor. It is important to remember that polyploidy, although it results in the individual plant be ing much larger, does not bring about any fundamental change of form. It only magnifies the characters which already exist. “Until breeders can produce a new species of plant otherwise than by polyploidy, their experiments must be deemed unfavorable to the evolution theory. Experiments indicate that plants, as a whole are more plastic than animals, but that the extent to which a plant type can be modified is strictly limited.” It is a well-known fact that hy brids, that is a cross between two dis tinct species, such as the mule, are sterile, or else reproduce a receding type which soon dies out. Thus nature has placed an insuperable barrier to the creation of new species. It is well- known also that wild species rarely,
A tiny sin crept softly in through Johnny's open door; " I'll only stay a little while," it whispered, "and before I do you any harm at all you can get rid of me. And nobody will ever know that I've been here, you see!" Now, Johnny was a foolish boy, so he believed the sin. And let it make itself a home when it had entered in. He closed the door, and no one knew that it was there at all; " It cannot harm ," so Johnny thought; " it is so very sm all!" But soon the sin began to grow— a horrid growth, indeed! It made of Johnny's boyish heart a thing on which to feed. It cast out everything beside, and gained and gathered strength. T ill Johnny was its wretched slave, as all men saw at length. Too late poor Johnny bade it go, "W hy should I leave you, pray This is my home; you let me in And here I mean to stay," The sin replied, and tighter yet it clung and spread, and grew. Friend, letting in the smallest sin lets in destruction, too! — J. C. Brumfield if ever, inter-breed naturally, and when they can be induced to cross, the re sults almost invariably end in an ab sence of sterile offspring. Mendel’s law of heredity, although somewhat modified since its original definition, is still held as substantially true. According to this law, variations are due simply to recombinations of characteristics already present in the April is FORWARD BY FAITH for Biola Please pray for the -much needed CAMPUS EXPANSION PROGRAM 8
germ cells of each species. Under arti ficial selection new or unusual combi nations appear which constitute new varieties, but no new species. Mendel’s law affords conclusive evidence that each species reproduces after its kind, as the Bible originally put forth in the long ago. New species which maintain their distinctives are not biologically possible. Characteristics never disap- "An Ordinary Day" It w ill be on an ordinary day, My Lord comes to take His own away. There'll be laughing, there'll be weep i n g , . There'll be giving, there'll be keeping Perhaps on a morning such as this. Ere the sun has given to earth its kiss, When the night hours are receding. When my Lord has finished plead- ing, He'll transport us to heaven's eternal bliss. When the business of the day is at full heat, Folk hurrying along each crowded street. W ith their eyes upon earth's treas ure and A selfishly spent leisure, No time to seek the Mercy Seat. Suddenly as the moments fly, and The people of the nations pass God by, Looking for someone to guide them, From the fear that is inside them, His trumpet sound w ill call us home on high. As a thief, says my Lord, in the night, He w ill steal us away from out men's sight, There'll be trembling consterna tion, A t the awful realization, What believers said, was true and Oh! so right. — E. K . Harvey— pear but reappear again and again in succeeding generations according to a fixed law, but in varied combinations. It is a well known fact that acquired physical characteristics are not trans mitted to the offspring. The habit of foot binding common among some of
the Oriental women for centuries has not led to any inherited deformity of the foot of the offspring. The late professor L. B. Walton of Kenyon College, has said that “one need not be a pessimist to assert that the actual evidence thus far obtained indicates that the supposed progress made in the improvement of domesti cated animals and plants is nothing more than the sorting out of pure lines and thus representing no advance ment.” Cats and dogs may have been further developed but they have not evolved from a common ancestor. Our domestic chicken is a descendant of the Roman fowl and no essential change has taken place in 2,000 generations of earnest breeding. It is true that pro ductivity and longevity have been advanced, but the chicken is essentially just the same. Similarly, the late Sir William Bateson, of Cambridge Uni versity, who was a pioneer in the field of genetics, has stated, “Analysis has revealed hosts of transferable charac ters. Their combinations suffice to sup ply in abundance series of types which might pass for new species and cer tainly would so be classed if they were met with in nature. Yet critically tested, we find that they are not dis tinct species and we have no reason to suppose that any combination of characteristics would result in some distinct change or new species.” During the past fifty years, biologists have repeatedly attempted to produce new species, using quickly breeding animals or insects for this purpose. Thus, eight hundred generations of the fruit fly have been selectively bred in the hope of evolving a new species, just to prove that evolution is scientific, but all without success. Back in 1927, Muller discovered that by exposing animals to the X-Rays, the rate at which marked variations, or mutations, appeared was speeded up about 150 times. Since then, the fruit fly and oth er creatures have been treated exten sively with X-Rays, but the only result has been that the same variations have appeared far more frequently than be fore. 9
AN OLD HOUND DOG sat howling in a country store in Missouri, and he was howling in good fashion when a stranger walked in. The stranger took one look at the dog then turned to the storekeeper a n d asked, “Whafs the matter with your dog — sick?” The storekeeper replied lazily, “Oh, no, he’s just sitting on a cocklebur.” “Well, why doesn’t he get off it?” The dog’s owner drawled, “Oh, / guess he’d just rather holler!” Unfortunately, too many people would rather complain about the things that are wrong in the church, than patiently and humbly seek to rectify the problems. “Search me, Oh Lord, and know my thoughts, and see if there be any wicked way in me.” Perhaps the key note of the trouble more often lies in the one complaining. IN THIS WORLD OF FAST-PACED EXISTENCE let us stop and ask our selves if there are things of more importance. Rev. John Berridge, a friend of the Wesleys, had this epi taph put on his tombstone and it h a s preached its sermon down through the years: “Reader, art thou born again? There is no sal vation without the new birth. 1 was born in sin February 1716, remained ignorant of my fallen estate until 1730. Lived proudly on faith and works for salvation until 1751, fled to Jesus alone for refuge in 1756, and fell asleep in Jesus Christ in 1793.” In our hurried life, we should ask “What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” "The man who is self-centered is usually off-centered."
"Those who possess gifts, ought not to be possessed by those gifts." * * * BENJAMIN FRANKLIN gave us the expression, “There are two things we can always be sure of, ‘death and taxed.” A cartoon of husband and wife figuring out the Income Tax forms carried the line, “And we wish they came in that order.” Perhaps many people face reality in that way. having the thought, “Oh, I wish I were dead.” The Apostle thought of deqth as bringing Christ closer to him, not as an escape from the doom of trials. And he thought of life as living it unto the glory of Christ. It is, indeed, a “Happy Day” when a life becomes hidden in Him and is no longer under condemna tion. 1 t h * "Why should it be that home is the place where we are treated best and yet grumble most/' h h * BY SOME CHILDISH PRANK OR ACCI DENT, most of us carry scars. And sin has a way of leaving scars, too. A father told his son to drive a nail into a post every time he did an evil thing. The father also instructed him to take one out every time he did a good deed. The son learned his lesson quickly. After driving many nails into the post, he suc ceeded in doing enough good deeds to remove most of the nails. He proudly called his father to show him the results but he was distressed at all of the ugly holes made by the nails. The wise father told him that such was the way in life—you may do good deeds, turn over a new leaf, and make amends for your mistakes, but the nail holes of sin will always remain as scars. Satan seeks to bring defeat. “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” 10
washed due to articles in leading na tional magazines on the subject But let’s take a further look at the vain reasoning of Evolution. Reference to the findings of anthropology would be unnecessary were it not for the fact that it is so repeatedly stated that links in the evolutionary scale between the ape or some other lower anthropoid and man have been discovered from time to time. But no such “missing link” has ever come to light that sci entific evidence could accept. Were the theory of evolution true, literally thous ands of such skeleton remains should have been discovered by now. The claims of anthropologists in re gard to such “missing links” are based upon some skeleton remain; which have come to light at various times. The following examples will serve to illustrate the basis of these claims; Best known is the Java ape man — reconstructed -from a piece of skull, a thighbone and two teeth. Found by Du bois, at different times, in an old river bed in the years 1891 and 1892. Dubois also found remains of a true man at same time but did not reveal this un til 26 years later. All discussions by men in this field, were made therefore without important evidence which he withheld. The so-called Piltdown man —found in gravel pit in 1908 was a similar story as to parts from which reconstruction was made. Then the (Continued on next page) 11
I n o u r p r e v io u s discussion on evolu tion, we dealt first with the fact of comparative anatomy, showing that there is absolutely no proof that the higher forms come from the lower. As a matter of fact, the reverse is true — the higher break down into lower forms. Now the second idea is what is known as embryonic recapitulation. In this thought is put forth the theory that in the development of the tiny life that the small embryo has definite characteristics of fish and mammals. True science again points her finger, and this time, to the additional fact that any resemblance is merely super ficial, and not, by any means, realistic. One school text asserts. “The simi larities in embryos of humans and ani mals do not seem strange if we as sume,” notice the word “assume,” “they are all descendants of a common ancestor.”. This is a tragic assumption to put to our young people, declaring that at various times the human em bryo resembles a fish, an amphibian, and a mammal as man supposedly evolved. If this theory were true the embryo should appear as a monkey in one phase, but it is never ape like what soever. Assumption is not true science and should never be treated as such. And yet, evolution, based upon as sumption, is taught to our young folk resulting in millions being brain
EVOLUTION (continued) Heidelberg man, a part of similar cir cumstances. Prof. Birkner of Munich has exhibited an Eskimo skull, the jaw of which has virtually same features. And, finally, the “Neanderthal man” was reconstructed from some bones and a skull which Virchow, the great path ologist, and others have shown to have been deformed by disease—rickets in the bones. Even Huxley said that the bones could not be regarded as those of an intermediate between man and the ape. It is well to remember that the age and sex of the individual may be taken into account in judging remains. Then, the matter of customs such as head binding and the binding of feet. As a matter of fact the mass of literature re the Piltdown man, Java ape man, etc., have no bearing upon the supposed evolution of man. Critical examination of such evidence does not warrant ao cepting the theory as such — it can not be accepted as a working basis in scientific investigations only, and not incorporate its teachings and principles into one’s life and conduct. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Prov erbs 23:7). Our Lord Jesus Christ said to His disciples, “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31-32). Truth and freedom are closely linked together. The further the world drifts away frbm the Word of God, which is the Truth, the further it departs from freedom. Look, in detail, at Russia, Germany, and China! In America, evolution is taught in the majority of our schools as an ac cepted fact and not as a theory. The late Prof. Vialleton said, “for fifty years the textbooks have put into the fore ground only that which is favorable (to evolution) passing by in silence all that is not so or which is contrary to it.” Prof. Shorey—University of Chi cago: “there is, in fact, no cause that is so immune from criticism . . . as evolution . . . An ambitious young professor may safely assail Christian ity, or the Constitution of the United 12
States, or George Washington, or fe male chastity, or marriage, or private property . . . but he must not apologize for Darwin . . . It is not done.” In a survey of the library of one tax supported state university, it was discovered that 83 books on the shelves were favorable to evolution and none opposed to this teaching. Evolution is, perhaps, the best ex planation of life to those who do not believe there is a God. But it is impos sible to conceive of the universe com- "Good Night' and Good Morning" We are living on the border Of eternity each day; We are just as close to Heaven As the stars so far away. And the only thing between us, Whether we are big or small, - Is a tender, little heartbeat, Just a heartbeat, that is all. Just a heartbeat from the Glory, Just a heartbeat, nothing more; Just a tender, little heartbeat, T ill we walk the golden shore. Keep your lamp all trimmed and burn- ing. Let it shine, you'll never fall; Just a heartbeat from the Glory, Just a heartbeat, that is all. There's a place beyond the River Where we'll lay our burdens down, Where we'll meet our friends and loved ones, And we'll wear a starry crown. A ll our troubles will be over And no tears shall ever fall; Just a heartbeat from the Glory, Just a heartbeat, that is all. ing into existence from nothing apart from supernatural intervention. There must, therefore, have been a Creator. In the early chapters of Genesis we find the record of a perfect creation, followed by the curse: All life is from life and each species brings forth “after his kind” (Genesis 1:21). There is not a single example known of life arising from inanimate matter or of one spe cies changing into another. From the ovum to adult life each species is dis tinct and separate. Even one celled creatures (micro-
scopic) reveal great differences in size, shape, food habits, methods of loco motion and reproduction. They repro duce after their kind; otherwise they could not be classified as species. Some animals have complicated or gans which would have been quite use less until fully developed as, for exam ple, the web-spinning organs of the spider. How would it have been pos sible for these spinnerets to evolve? Similarly, there are many animals which have instincts or habits that could not possibly have developed gradually, such as the habit of the wa ter spider of constructing its diving bell, or the house martin with its cup shaped mud nest attached to a wall. It is sometimes said that because the great majority of scientists believe in evolution, it must be true. But it is well to remember that, as Schopenhauer pointed out, if general consent were to determine the truth of propositions, then we would have to admit that truth varies with time and space, since totally different opinions have come, in the course of time, to be generally accepted among the inhabitants of the earth and local majorities will be found to hold quite different opinions as we pass around the world today. From our Lord’s parable we learn that “while men slept” the enemy sowed the tares — (Matt. 13:25). Dur ing the past half century the enemy of souls has, indeed, sown the tares of evolution and unbelief throughout the schools and colleges of our land while the church has been asleep. And, “if the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous dfl?-” (Psa. 11:3). The doctrine of evolution is directly antagonistic to that of creation. Evolu tion, if consistently accepted, makes it impossible to believe the Bible and no compromise is possible. To accept evo lution is to reject the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, “. . . what think ye of Christ? . . .” The answer to that ques tion is one of life or ‘death to every man, woman and child, and answer it each one of us must! Read Hebrews 2:3 and John 1:12. (For more messages on Evolutiohy see page 25.)
■ heard iday through Friday KFAX, IIOO^ONJHE DIAL (50.000 watts i "God is a substitute for everything but nothing is a substitute for God." * * * "The soul of man can be free only when it is captive to God!" MOVING COSTS EVERYONE If you have just moved, or are planning to do so, you know all that is involved. But did you realize that your move can also cost the Lord's work? If you have moved and have not as yet informed us, from now on it will cost Biola 8 cents (rather than 4) in order to have the post office give us the in formation concerning your new address. If you use a post card, or the forms provided by the post office, this will mean a sub stantial savings for the work of the Lord. With a quarter of the population moving every year, according to statistics, you can well imagine what this will ulti mately mean for Biola. Thank you for your prayer ful help in this, as well as in our other ministries for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Testimonies by Biota students heard over the air
MISS DEE DOCTER, CHEYENNE, WYO. For the past few days I have been thinking about what Biola College really means to me, but before I tell
tual love of the Lord Jesus Christ. The fellowship that we have in our rooms, in our dining room, and in the classroom is beyond computation. Another valuable thing is the aca demic standing of the College. Biola is a school where a student can pre pare himself both professionally . and spiritually and still be accepted after graduation just as if he had attended a state university. Biola is not only a place where a Christian can enjoy himself and re ceive an acceptable education but also Biola is a place where the young per son can discover important things about the Christian life if he will only open his heart and mind to them. Through the daily chapel programs, prayer be fore and after each class, and devo tions with my roommate, the Lord has come to be a real and living Per son to me and He wants to have con trol of every facet of my life. What does Biola College meant to me? — Well this verse from Psalm 16 sums it up quite well: “Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy pres ence is fullness of joy: at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” MR. JIM ALLEN, TUSCON, ARIZONA What Biola College really means to me cannot be expressed in a few words. I can truly say that my first three
you let me relate how God led me to the College. After high school I attended a state university for two years with the pur pose of becoming a registered medical technician. E v e n though I was a Christian and knew
Dee Docter
that the Lord wanted me in full-time work for Him, I had decided that the medical field was what I wanted for my life, and, consequently, I did not bother to seek the Lord’s guidance. To put it mildly, I was miserable and knew that I had to find the Lord’s will for my life rather than my own. It was through the testimony of the Biola Choir (a touring musical group) that I was introduced first to the Col lege. The outstanding testimonies of these young people, their consistent Christian lives, and their willingness to do whatever the Lord wanted them to do made such a strong impression on me that I decided to investigate the school they attended. Ultimately, I enrolled in the college, and I have since found that the Lord would have me go into education. Hav ing yielded to His leading, I find com plete satisfaction that I am in His will. There are specific things that stand out in my mind when I think of Biola College. One of these is the friendships that have come to mean so much. Be cause of the Christian atmosphere, we as young people have much in com mon, principally, of course, our mu
semesters here were the greatest a n d m o s t profit a b l e - time of my life. As a young per son looking f o r- ward to full-time C h r i s t i a n work with young people, Biola affords me many opportunities that I could not re-
Jim Allen
ceive at another school. Participating in inter-collegiate athletics has been one of the highlights of school thus far. It’s really a thrill for me to play on a team that is made up of Christian fellows who want to and do, carry a testimony for Christ on the field. The Lord has also given me many blessings in everyday student life. De votion and prayer times in the dorms have really meant a great deal to me. It is surprising how much a per son can grow just by observing the life of a Christian roommate. Of course class and student body activities add a great deal of enjoyment to campus life. Along with these extra activities, I’m sure that the biggest blessing, by far, comes right in the classroom. It’s really wonderful to begin and close each class period with prayer, and to know that the Lord will be with you throughout the hour and give you strength to learn those things which will most honor and glorify Him. Sec ond Timothy 2:15, though a very fa miliar verse, has become a real chal lenge to me as I seek to prepare my self for His work. At the present time all of us here at Biola are anticipating eagerly the building program which is now being planned. For the past few years, we have looked forward to the time when all of the students would be living together on one campus. Although all our classes are held on the La Mirada campus, there is a great disadvantage in having the student body split the way it is with several hundred stu dents living downtown. J u s t t h e other day I met a girl whom I had never seen before, only to find out that this was her fourth semester here. As we’re looking to God for the nec essary funds for this building program, we realize that this will not only be the fulfillment of many dreams, but the answer to the prayers of many who wish to see the testimony of Biola greatly enlarged. The Lord has certainly blessed rich ly in the past, and we are looking forward to even greater things in the years ahead.
CHERYL WALTERS, SAN DIEGO, CALIF. I feel that Biola offers me the finest Christian training available today. Not only does it provide a well-rounded
field in liberal arts, but also it gives me an opportunity to prepare for Chris tian S e r v i c e t h r o u g h Rural Outreach, C h i l d Evangelism, Practi cal M i s s i o n a r y Training, and Gos pel Teams. When I first
came to Biola I was impressed with the contrast between secular high school and with the Christian atmos phere of this campus. I also noticed that the testimony of the students was not confined to the limits of the cam pus grounds, but was carried to their homes, their jobs, their recreations, and their Christian . Service assign ments. This in itself was wonderful, but when I got into my Bible classes and began to learn the history of the Bible, the interpretation of certain pas sages, the techniques of soul winning, and, in general, the Christian life, I was brought to my knees again to thank the Lord for bringing me here. It’s wonderful to fellowship with dedicated young people who have one purpose and goal before them and that is to better equip themselves to serve our Lord Jesus Christ. However, many students, due to in adequate housing facilities on campus, are forced to live in old Biola buildings in downtown Los Angeles. Raising enough money to build more dorms to house these students would eliminate the financial and physical strain im posed on them. These students living in Los Angeles have to rise at 5:00 each morning, board chartered buses, and ride 20 miles out to the La Mirada campus for classes. Solving this prob lem by building more dormitories would not only cut costs, but also would unite the students more dlosely togeth er, thus strengthening the bonds of Christian fellowship. 15
prior to His crucifixion. In chapter 13 and verse one he intro duces this section by saying, “As He had loved His own in the world, He loved them to the last and to the high est degree.” (Amplified N. T.) Chap ters 13 through 17 are an exposition of the way in which Jesus loved His dis ciples during these final hours. We discover, as we read this portion, that His love was expressed in the re peated forewarnings He gave them concerning persecution that would come so that they would not be dis couraged. 16
“ TT f a b id e in me and my words JL abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you.” These are words of momentous import ance. These are words of mystery. How could it be that I, as a believer, can ask what I will, and the limitless re sources of God will be harnessed to the accomplishing of my request? Let us take a closer look at the con text in which we find these wonderful words. John 15:7 is set within the broad context of five chapters which the be loved Apostle John devotes to a record of the final hours of our Lord’s life y e
His love was expressed in the prom ise of His return to receive them unto Himself (John 14:1-3). His love was expressed in the institution of the Lord’s Supper which was to be a love tryst, a meeting place of sacred com munion till He comes again (John 13). His love was expressed in the legacy of peace which He imparted to them when He said, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you” (John 14: 27). His love was expressed in every act, every word, every instruction which He gave during these intimate moments. Note: But perhaps most significant is the expression of His love in the an- "The Watchful Servant" Ye servants of the Lord, Each in his office wait, Observant of His heavenly Word, And watchful at His gate. Let all your lamps be bright. And trim the golden flame; Gird up your loins, as in His sight, For awful is His Name. Watch: 'tis your Lord's command, And while we speak He's near; Mark the first signal of His hand, And ready all appear. » Oh, happy servant he, In such a posture found! He shall his Lord with rapture see, And be with honor crowned. — Philip Doddridge nouncement to them of the new rela tionship which was to exist between Him and the believer during this age following the coming of the Holy Spir it. In the 15th chapter He uses the familiar vine and branches to illustrate the new relationship to them and ex plains that as a result of this, “ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you.” Now, since Jesus is discussing the relationship of the believer to Him self during this very age in which we live, I submit to you that this is some thing that vitally concerns each of us who know Him. But, I question how many of us have ever really experi
enced the blessed truths presented here. Yet, we cannot deny or escape the fact that the abiding, fruitbearing life pre sented here is given to us as an at tainable reality, when we will simply believe and receive, and permit Him to have His way with us moment by moment. Let us look first at four conditions which are to be met before this prom ised relationship can be experienced. In verses 2 and 4 the absolute neces sity of a vital union with Jesus Christ is presented. “Abide in Me and I in you, as the branch cannot bear fruit except it abide in the vine, no more- can ye except ye abide in me.” It is the life of the VINE coursing through, the branch that causes fruit to be borne. This is a day in which almost every-1 thing can be simulated and it has become difficult to tell that which is real from that which is imitation. Un fortunately, that is sometimes true even in religion, but when the acid test of life’s vicissitudes is applied, that which is false becomes readily apparent. Hear Jesus’ words again, “as the branch can not bear fruit in itself, no more can ye, except ye abide in me.” There must be a vistal union with Christ Him self resulting from the new birth. Verse 2 of our text speaks of cleasing. How vital that as believers we daily, expose ourselves to the cleansing of the Word of God and the application of the blood of Christ to our sins. “Abide in me,” how beautiful are these words, and yet I wonder if we really understand them. Dr. Harry Ironside was once asked by an individ ual to explain what it meant to abide in Christ. In reply he simply said, “If instead of love there'is unkindness; if instead of joy there is gloom; if instead of peace there is unrest; if instead of longsuffering there is impatience; if instead of gentleness there is harshness; if instead of goodness there is moral evil; if instead of faith, worry and lack of confidence; if instead of meekness, pride and haughtiness; if instead of self-control you are subject to the lust of the flesh — that tells the story, and (Continued on next page) 17
PRAYER (continued) no matter what you say, you are not abiding in Christ.” Surely abiding in Christ embodies our absolute surrender of our minds, our souls, our wills, our bodies to the Holy Spirit who is Him self the indwelling life of the vine, so that the very life of God might have unlimited and unobstructed control. Our text speaks of pruning by the husbandman or the vine dresser. Prun ing is for the singular purpose of caus ing the branch to bear more fruit, and it is always done by the husbandman "The Hour of Trial" And the trial severe? He tempers each wind That upon me doth blow. And tenderly whispers, "Thy Father doth know!" His power is sufficient, Then why should I quail, Though the storm clouds hang low, His grace is sufficient. Then why need I fear. Though the testing be hard,
things will happen. In verse 8 we are told that there will be a new assur ance that we are honoring and glorify ing the Father, a sensing of His appro bation and approval. In verse 9 we are told that we will have a new sense of the love of God, not simply knowing that we are loved, but feeling and ex periencing that love in a vital way. In verse 11 we are told that new, vibrant, constantly flowing joy will become a part of our Christian experience. Now then, let us look again at the promise contained in verse 7. .“If ye abide in Me and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it will be done unto you.” Four times during His great upper room and gar den discourse with His disciples, Jesus expounded to them the new prayer re lationship they would obtain after His departure and the advent of the Holy Spirit. The promise contained here in the seventh verse of chapter 15 is the SUM of this exposition. In verses 1 through 7 we have presented what is tantamount to a fusion of the will of God with the will of man. Jesus says, when this truly takes place, that is when you are abiding in me through the power of the indwelling Holy Spir it, and I am abiding in you, My will and your will shall become one and the same, so that ye shall ask what YE will and it shall be done unto you. My heart hungers to experience this, to know this as the norm for every day of my life. What about you, my fellow believer, do you want to experi ence what it means to “abide in” Christ, and have Him so abide in you, that the promise of verse 7 of our text will become a daily reality in your life? Then you must begin with a vital union with Christ. You must know, as a believer, continuous confession and cleansing from the Father, a sensitive ness to the pruning and disciplining of God the Father; and a constant, yielded, passive abiding in Christ. Why not begin this moment, wherever you are, with a new measure of surrender to Jesus Christ so that this might be come a vital experience with you? 18
And though wild is the gale? His strength w ill not falter, Whatever betide, And safe in His bosom He bids me to hide. His love is sufficient. Yea, boundless and free; As high as the mountains, As deep as the sea. Ah, there 1 w ill rest T ill the darkness is o'er, And wake in His likeness . . . His forevermore!
— Avis B. Christiansen who is God Himself. It is tragic that there are some Christians who feel that they have been commissioned to “prune” other Christians and by their censoriousness and critical spirit they go about to weed out everything that they consider wrong in another Chris tian’s life. But Jesus said, “My Father is the husbandman,” and in the Fath er’s infinite wisdom and love, He prunes and cuts and disciplines our lives so that we might bring forth fruit for His Glory. Now as a result of the abiding, fruit bearing life, Jesus says that many
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