Biola Broadcaster - 1962-04

Testimonies by Biota students heard over the air

MISS DEE DOCTER, CHEYENNE, WYO. For the past few days I have been thinking about what Biola College really means to me, but before I tell

tual love of the Lord Jesus Christ. The fellowship that we have in our rooms, in our dining room, and in the classroom is beyond computation. Another valuable thing is the aca­ demic standing of the College. Biola is a school where a student can pre­ pare himself both professionally . and spiritually and still be accepted after graduation just as if he had attended a state university. Biola is not only a place where a Christian can enjoy himself and re­ ceive an acceptable education but also Biola is a place where the young per­ son can discover important things about the Christian life if he will only open his heart and mind to them. Through the daily chapel programs, prayer be­ fore and after each class, and devo­ tions with my roommate, the Lord has come to be a real and living Per­ son to me and He wants to have con­ trol of every facet of my life. What does Biola College meant to me? — Well this verse from Psalm 16 sums it up quite well: “Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy pres­ ence is fullness of joy: at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” MR. JIM ALLEN, TUSCON, ARIZONA What Biola College really means to me cannot be expressed in a few words. I can truly say that my first three

you let me relate how God led me to the College. After high school I attended a state university for two years with the pur­ pose of becoming a registered medical technician. E v e n though I was a Christian and knew

Dee Docter

that the Lord wanted me in full-time work for Him, I had decided that the medical field was what I wanted for my life, and, consequently, I did not bother to seek the Lord’s guidance. To put it mildly, I was miserable and knew that I had to find the Lord’s will for my life rather than my own. It was through the testimony of the Biola Choir (a touring musical group) that I was introduced first to the Col­ lege. The outstanding testimonies of these young people, their consistent Christian lives, and their willingness to do whatever the Lord wanted them to do made such a strong impression on me that I decided to investigate the school they attended. Ultimately, I enrolled in the college, and I have since found that the Lord would have me go into education. Hav­ ing yielded to His leading, I find com­ plete satisfaction that I am in His will. There are specific things that stand out in my mind when I think of Biola College. One of these is the friendships that have come to mean so much. Be­ cause of the Christian atmosphere, we as young people have much in com­ mon, principally, of course, our mu­

semesters here were the greatest a n d m o s t profit a b l e - time of my life. As a young per­ son looking f o r- ward to full-time C h r i s t i a n work with young people, Biola affords me many opportunities that I could not re-

Jim Allen


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